I made this tab billion of years ago but for some reason (laziness probably) i didn't publish it until now. Make no mistake, this tab is from the melody played by Orphee to sleeping the judges. The other peaceful and sweet melody is the "string nocturne". there's always confusion about those two ;)
sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013
Tab del Death trip serenade
Este tab lo hice hace mil millones de años pero por alguna razon (flojera probablemente) no lo habia publicado hasta ahora. No se confundan, este tab es de la Melodia que Orfeo toca para dormir a los jueces ("Serenata mortal" en latinoamerica ). La otra melodia tranquila y dulce de orfeo es el "String Nocturne" ("nocturno de cuerdas" en latinoamerica). Siempre hay confusion con esos 2 temas ;)
I made this tab billion of years ago but for some reason (laziness probably) i didn't publish it until now. Make no mistake, this tab is from the melody played by Orphee to sleeping the judges. The other peaceful and sweet melody is the "string nocturne". there's always confusion about those two ;)

I made this tab billion of years ago but for some reason (laziness probably) i didn't publish it until now. Make no mistake, this tab is from the melody played by Orphee to sleeping the judges. The other peaceful and sweet melody is the "string nocturne". there's always confusion about those two ;)
martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013
Guitarreando con Hades en la PS2
No solo de la musica de anime vive el fan de Saint seiya, tambien de la musica de videojuegos! En este caso la musica pertenece al juego para playstation 2 "Saint Seiya: The Hades". Esta pieza musical no tiene nombre (ya que solo hay mp3 extraidos del juego) pero de forma no oficial recibio el nombre de "Inner cosmos" (cosmos interior).
The Saint seiya fan doesn't live by anime music alone but also on videogame music! In this case the music belongs to the playstation 2 game "Saint Seiya: The Hades". This musical piece has no name (because there are only mp3 extracted from the game) but it has received the unofficial name of "Inner Cosmos"
The Saint seiya fan doesn't live by anime music alone but also on videogame music! In this case the music belongs to the playstation 2 game "Saint Seiya: The Hades". This musical piece has no name (because there are only mp3 extracted from the game) but it has received the unofficial name of "Inner Cosmos"
jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013
Talisman Cage!!
Mas partituras de "El Lienzo perdido". Lamentablemente esta pieza musical no fue editada en ningun disco debido a que nunca hubo un segundo soundtrack de "El lienzo perdido", debido a la cancelacion de una tercer temporada de ovas de "El lienzo perdido", debido a los no satisfactorios numeros de ventas de los DVDs de "El lienzo perdido". Una verdadera lastima porque la musica de la segunda temporada (la que pudimos escuchar al menos) resultó mejor y mas inspirada.
More sheet music from "The Lost Canvas". Unfortunatelly this musical piece wasn't edited in any album due to the fact that there wasn't a 2nd soundtrack from "The Lost Canvas", due to the cancelation of the 3rd ovas season from "The Lost Canvas", due to the unsatisfactory sales numbers of the DVDs from "The Lost Canvas". A real Pitty because the music from the 2nd season (the one that we heard at least) was better and more inspired.
More sheet music from "The Lost Canvas". Unfortunatelly this musical piece wasn't edited in any album due to the fact that there wasn't a 2nd soundtrack from "The Lost Canvas", due to the cancelation of the 3rd ovas season from "The Lost Canvas", due to the unsatisfactory sales numbers of the DVDs from "The Lost Canvas". A real Pitty because the music from the 2nd season (the one that we heard at least) was better and more inspired.
Partituras/Sheet Music,
miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013
2 tabs del Lienzo perdido y 1 sola melodia...
Al parecer los fans no se olvidan de The Lost Canvas ya que estos 2 tabs surgieron en base a pedidos de fans aunque, siendo sinceros, tambien tuvo que ver el hecho de que estos utilizan la misma melodia de otra partitura que ya habia hecho ( KIZUNA, otra partitura mas de The Lost Canvas ) asi que me ahorre mucho trabajo y esfuerzo :P De todas maneras siempre es un placer terminar un tab y poder tocarlo asi que a darle a la guitarra :D
It seems like the fans don't forget The Lost Canvas because these 2 tabs were fans requests but, honestly, another good incentive was the fact that these tabs use the same melody of another sheet that i did ( KIZUNA, otra partitura mas de The Lost Canvas ) so i saved a lot of effort and work :P Anyway there's always a pleasure to finish a tab and play it so let's hit the guitar :D
It seems like the fans don't forget The Lost Canvas because these 2 tabs were fans requests but, honestly, another good incentive was the fact that these tabs use the same melody of another sheet that i did ( KIZUNA, otra partitura mas de The Lost Canvas ) so i saved a lot of effort and work :P Anyway there's always a pleasure to finish a tab and play it so let's hit the guitar :D
miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013
Saint Seiya Omega tambien tiene musica...
Los BGMs de Saint seiya Omega hacen su primera aparicion oficial en este blog! Esta fue una peticion y como la pieza musical me gustó, me decidi a hacerla. Para aquellos que deseen tener esta partitura, solo cuesta U$s 10 y pueden hacer el pago en ....ah cierto.... no cobro por mis partituras ¬¬ de todos modos no estan tan bien hechas XDD
The Saint Seiya Omega's BGMs make their first appearance on this Blog! This was a request and this musical piece was of my liking so i decided to make it. For those who would like to have this sheet music, its cost is U$s 10 and you can pay it in.... oh, right... i receive no money from my sheets ¬¬ Anyway they're not that good XDD
The Saint Seiya Omega's BGMs make their first appearance on this Blog! This was a request and this musical piece was of my liking so i decided to make it. For those who would like to have this sheet music, its cost is U$s 10 and you can pay it in.... oh, right... i receive no money from my sheets ¬¬ Anyway they're not that good XDD
Partituras/Sheet Music,
viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013
Mother of Cygnus...
Este es uno de los BGMs Legendarios! Muchos llaman a este "el tema de hyoga" pero yo lo llamaria "el tema de Hyoga y Natassia" (la madre de Hyoga) porque al escuchar esta pieza musical instantaneamente nos transportamos a ese barco naufragado en las profundidades del mar de Siberia donde Natassia descansa eternamente. Esta partitura fue hecha por Alexandre Tobosarevic, un fan que ya nos deleito anteriormente con la partitura del tema de Athena .
This is one of the Legendary BGMs! Many fans call this "Hyoga's theme" but i would call it the "Hyoga and Natassia's theme" (Hyoga's mother) because when we hear that musical piece we are magically transported to that wrecked ship in the deeps of the Siberian sea where Natassia rests eternally. This Sheet music was made by Alexandre Tobosarevic, a fan that previously gave us the Athena's theme sheet.
Canal de tobosarevic / tobosarevic's channel
This is one of the Legendary BGMs! Many fans call this "Hyoga's theme" but i would call it the "Hyoga and Natassia's theme" (Hyoga's mother) because when we hear that musical piece we are magically transported to that wrecked ship in the deeps of the Siberian sea where Natassia rests eternally. This Sheet music was made by Alexandre Tobosarevic, a fan that previously gave us the Athena's theme sheet.
Canal de tobosarevic / tobosarevic's channel
viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013
y se destruyó nomas el templo...
hoy venimos con el tab de Corona's temple destruction, una de las piezas representativas de la pelicula de Abel (真紅の少年伝説 Shinku no shonen densetsu) cuya melodia es el leitmotiv del disco OST 5. De modo que no les puede sonar desconocida ;) Es otro BGM donde podemos escuchar la angelical voz de kazuko kawashima :D
Today we came with the tab of "Corona's temple destruction", one of the most representative pieces from the Abel's movie (真紅の少年伝説 Shinku no shonen densetsu). The melody is the leitmotiv of the OST 5 so it can't sound unknown to you. In this BGM we can hear the Kazuko Kawashima's angelical voice :D

Today we came with the tab of "Corona's temple destruction", one of the most representative pieces from the Abel's movie (真紅の少年伝説 Shinku no shonen densetsu). The melody is the leitmotiv of the OST 5 so it can't sound unknown to you. In this BGM we can hear the Kazuko Kawashima's angelical voice :D
sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013
Acordes de Remember!
Siguen llegando acordes a este blog. Si bien sigo manteniendo mi promesa de traerles los acordes de todos los openings y endings, por ahora disfrutemos de esta cancion que es otra de las "desconocidas" del soundtrack de Saint Seiya.
The chords are still coming to this blog. I maintain my promise of bringing to you the chords of all the openings and endings but for now you just enjoy this song which is another of the "unknown" from the Saint Seiya soundtrack.
The chords are still coming to this blog. I maintain my promise of bringing to you the chords of all the openings and endings but for now you just enjoy this song which is another of the "unknown" from the Saint Seiya soundtrack.
sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013
Saint Seiya Synthesia! (aka Piano hero)
Synthesia llega a Siguebrillandocosmos! El blog sigue incursionando en las ultimas tecnologias de internet :P Siendo sinceros, ya era hora no? Desde ahora las personas que toquen piano pero que no sepan leer partituras tambien van a poder tocar la musica de saint seiya :D (claro, sin contar las decenas de videos con piezas de saint seiya en synthesia que andan dando vuelta hace años XD)
Synthesia arrives to siguebrillandocosmos! the blog brings you the latest internet technology :P being honest it was about time, wasn't? From now on the people who play the piano but don't know how to read sheet music will be able to play Saint Seiya's music :D (sure, if you don't count the dozens of synthesia videos with Saint Seiya pieces that are hanging around years ago XD )
web de Synthesia
Synthesia arrives to siguebrillandocosmos! the blog brings you the latest internet technology :P being honest it was about time, wasn't? From now on the people who play the piano but don't know how to read sheet music will be able to play Saint Seiya's music :D (sure, if you don't count the dozens of synthesia videos with Saint Seiya pieces that are hanging around years ago XD )
web de Synthesia
jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013
Acordes de Love fighter
Love fighter es otra de esas canciones incluidas en el soundtrack de Saint Seiya que nunca se escucharon dentro de la serie. Tampoco es una de las mas populares pero se que alguien en alguna parte del mundo estaba esperando con ansias los acordes ^_^¿
Love fighter is another of those songs included in the Saint seiya soundtrack that were never played in the series. It's not one of the most popular neither but i know that someone in some place was waiting anxiously for the chords
Love fighter is another of those songs included in the Saint seiya soundtrack that were never played in the series. It's not one of the most popular neither but i know that someone in some place was waiting anxiously for the chords
lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013
Partituras Oficiales de Saint Seiya "2"
Hace un tiempo en el post partituras oficiales de Saint seiya, yo planteaba la interrogante de ¿porque el unico material oficial de saint seiya en cuanto a partituras son solamente unas cuantas hojas sueltas? Teniendo Saint seiya/los caballeros del zodiaco un soundtrack tan magistral, nadie se digno a sacar un book o al menos pensar en lucrar con eso? :P por mucho tiempo pense que esas partituras sueltas eran lo unico oficial que podriamos encontrar, pero felizmente parece estaba en un error :D
Some time ago, in the Official Saint Seiya sheet music entry , i brought up the question of ¿why the only official material of Saint seiya (sheet music) are just a few sheets? since Saint seiya has an awesome soundtrack, nobody thought about doing a sheet music book or at least contemplated the idea of getting a profit with it? :P For a long time i thought those few sheets were the only official material that we could find but it happily it looks like i was in a mistake :D
Some time ago, in the Official Saint Seiya sheet music entry , i brought up the question of ¿why the only official material of Saint seiya (sheet music) are just a few sheets? since Saint seiya has an awesome soundtrack, nobody thought about doing a sheet music book or at least contemplated the idea of getting a profit with it? :P For a long time i thought those few sheets were the only official material that we could find but it happily it looks like i was in a mistake :D
sábado, 27 de julio de 2013
Pandora y aria for piano
Una partitura que muchos fans esperaban. La partitura para piano de Aria of the Three (hace poco salio a la luz el tab para guitarra hecho por mi, pero a quien le importa XD). Hay que resaltar que no solo esta la pieza conocida como La muerte de Camus, sino que tambien estan los otros 2 movimientos! Basicamente el track completo! Tambien esta la partitura de "el arpa de pandora" aunque es la version del disco y no la que se escucha en las Ovas de Hades. Ambas partituras son cortesia de Liz Xu wilson :D
An awaited sheet music by the fans. The piano sheet music of Aria of the Three (Short time ago it came out the guitar tab made by me, but who cares XD). It must be said that not only the piece known as Camus' death is present. The other 2 movements are in it too! basically the entire track! There is also the "Pandora's Harp" sheet music but is the album version and not the one heard in the Hades Ovas. Both scores are courtesy of Liz Xu Wilson :D
sitio oficial / official site
An awaited sheet music by the fans. The piano sheet music of Aria of the Three (Short time ago it came out the guitar tab made by me, but who cares XD). It must be said that not only the piece known as Camus' death is present. The other 2 movements are in it too! basically the entire track! There is also the "Pandora's Harp" sheet music but is the album version and not the one heard in the Hades Ovas. Both scores are courtesy of Liz Xu Wilson :D
sitio oficial / official site
viernes, 19 de julio de 2013
Camus, si que nos hiciste llorar :')
Shun: Seiya! Parece que el cosmos de hyoga nos esta diciendo adios
Seiya: No mires hacia atras Shun, no tenemos tiempo para eso...
Asi comenzaba esa escena que quedo en la memoria de todos los fans de Saint Seiya. La escena conocida como "la muerte de camus" (esto es un spoiler? :P ). Tambien ahi mismo comenzaban a sonar las primeras notas de una de las piezas musicales fundamentales de este gran anime: Aria of the three (casualmente conocida tambien como "la muerte de camus" XD ).
Shun: Seiya! It looks like Hyoga's cosmo is saying good bye to us
Seiya: Don't look back Shun. We don't have time for that...
so began that scene which stayed in the memory of all the Saint Seiya fans: The scene known as "Camus' death" (is this a spoiler? :P). Also right there we began to listen the firsts notes of one of the essential musical pieces from this awesome anime: Aria of the three (coincidentally, it's also known as "Camus' death" XD )
sábado, 1 de junio de 2013
Acordes de Friends in the Sky :DD
Hoy volvemos con los acordes de otra cancion desconocida :P En realidad es otra de esas canciones que nunca se escucharon dentro de la serie pero que, ciertamente, merecieron estar en algun capitulo. Una cancion que resulta agradable desde la primera vez que se escucha (y ni les cuento despues de 1000 reproducciones XD ). A estas alturas resulta virtualmente imposible que llegue a escucharse en alguna animacion de Saint seiya asi que parece que lo unico que podemos hacer es tocarla en la guitarra y/o piano ;)
Today we're back with the chords of another unknown song :P In fact, is one of those songs "never played" inside an episode that deserved to be into one. It's a song that results pleasant since the first time one hear it (and after 1000 replays... :P ). For now it's virtually impossible that the song will be played inside any saint seiya's animation so it looks like the only thing we can do is to play it in the guitar and/or piano ;)
Today we're back with the chords of another unknown song :P In fact, is one of those songs "never played" inside an episode that deserved to be into one. It's a song that results pleasant since the first time one hear it (and after 1000 replays... :P ). For now it's virtually impossible that the song will be played inside any saint seiya's animation so it looks like the only thing we can do is to play it in the guitar and/or piano ;)
miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013
La siguiente generacion...
Saint seiya omega trajo mucha controversia por el cambio radical de protagonistas, de las "reglas" y de su enfoque para un publico mas infantil. Por desgracia ha surgido una separacion dentro del fandom entre aquellos que les gusta y los que lo detestan. A mi personalmente no me emociona la serie pero algo en lo que parece haber consenso es en que la musica "cumple". Dejando de lado el OST del que hablaremos en el futuro, los openings de Saint Seiya Omega han tenido buena recepcion. Tal es el caso de "Next generation", el segundo opening de la serie el cual ha pegado mas o menos bien entre los fanaticos (los mas jovenes al menos) pese a ser mas pop que rock. A mi me parece pegadiza ^_^ y bueno, con motivo de la renovacion de la serie para una segunda temporada (Y ya que todos la pedian :P) aca tenemos los acordes :DD
Saint Seiya Omega brought a lot of controversy because of the radical change of the main characters, the "rules" and its focus on a more infantile audience. Unfortunately a breach was made in the saint seiya fandom between those who like omega and those who hate it. Personally, omega doesn't thrill me but most of the fans agree that the music "approves". Leaving aside the OST, the 2 openings of Saint Seiya Omega had good reception. Such is the case of "Next Generation", the second opening which was more or less a hit between the fans (at least the youngers) despite the fact that it is more pop than rock. It sounds catchy to me ^_^ well, On the occasion of the renewal for a second season of the series(and because everyone asked for it :P) here we have the chords :DD

Saint Seiya Omega brought a lot of controversy because of the radical change of the main characters, the "rules" and its focus on a more infantile audience. Unfortunately a breach was made in the saint seiya fandom between those who like omega and those who hate it. Personally, omega doesn't thrill me but most of the fans agree that the music "approves". Leaving aside the OST, the 2 openings of Saint Seiya Omega had good reception. Such is the case of "Next Generation", the second opening which was more or less a hit between the fans (at least the youngers) despite the fact that it is more pop than rock. It sounds catchy to me ^_^ well, On the occasion of the renewal for a second season of the series(and because everyone asked for it :P) here we have the chords :DD
lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013
El final de Poseidon para guitarra
Esta pieza musical tiene el honor de ser la ultima que se escucha en la serie (Ok, la "serie clasica". Las ovas de hades son un tema aparte). Tambien tiene el honor de haber sido usada 1 sola vez en TODO Saint Seiya ("TODO" incluye Serie clasica, Ovas de Hades, peliculas, Lost Canvas y Omega :P). Esto ultimo no es raro ya que la saga de Poseidon duro solo 14 episodios y el motivo de la pieza inspira escenas de "esperanza" o da idea de "final feliz". Dado el tono angustiante de la saga, no habia muchas escenas posibles para usar esta pieza ^_^ Aun asi, esto hizo que el final fuera mas especial para los fans :D
This musical piece has the honour of being the last one played in the series (OK, the "classic series". The Hades' ovas are another subject). It also has the honour of being played only 1 time in the WHOLE series ("WHOLE" includes Classic series, Hades' ovas, movies, Lost Canvas and Omega :P). That's not rare because the Poseidon saga lasted only 14 episodes and the motif of the piece inspires "hope" scenes / give us an idea of "happy ending". Given the distressing tone of the saga, there weren't many posible scenes where they can use this piece ^_^ Even so, all this made the end more special for the fans :D

This musical piece has the honour of being the last one played in the series (OK, the "classic series". The Hades' ovas are another subject). It also has the honour of being played only 1 time in the WHOLE series ("WHOLE" includes Classic series, Hades' ovas, movies, Lost Canvas and Omega :P). That's not rare because the Poseidon saga lasted only 14 episodes and the motif of the piece inspires "hope" scenes / give us an idea of "happy ending". Given the distressing tone of the saga, there weren't many posible scenes where they can use this piece ^_^ Even so, all this made the end more special for the fans :D
martes, 29 de enero de 2013
Las partituras oficiales de Saint Seiya
Si han revisado bien este blog, habran descubierto la cantidad de partituras que hay :P no solo mias sino las hechas por otros fans (muchos de ellos, excelentes trabajos). Me imagino que en algun momento se habran preguntado: "Todas son transcripciones de fans. No hay ninguna partitura oficial?". Yo me hice la misma pregunta hace años y la respuesta es....SI!. Existen partituras oficiales y desde hace bastante.
If you have thoroughly checked this blog then you may discovered the amount of sheet music in it :P not only mine but those made by other fans (some of them are flawless). I imagine that at some moment you have asked yourselves: "All the sheets are fan transcriptions. Are there any official sheet music". I did the same question years ago and the answer is....YES!. There are official Sheet music from a long time.
If you have thoroughly checked this blog then you may discovered the amount of sheet music in it :P not only mine but those made by other fans (some of them are flawless). I imagine that at some moment you have asked yourselves: "All the sheets are fan transcriptions. Are there any official sheet music". I did the same question years ago and the answer is....YES!. There are official Sheet music from a long time.
Revistas donde se publicaron las partituras
martes, 15 de enero de 2013
Tab de Saint of hope
Una version mas relajada de Pegasus Fantasy que muchos identificaran instantaneamente al escucharla. Quizas una de las versiones mas bellas que puede encontrarse en los soundtracks :D fue utilizada varias veces hasta antes del inicio de la saga de las 12 casas y despues nunca mas (como casi todas la musica pre-12 casas). Los viejos fans seguro van a poder identificarla con solo ver estas capturas. Tengo razon? :D
A more relaxed version of Pegasus Fantasy that many will be able to identify just by hear it. Maybe one of the most beautiful versions in the whole saint seiya soundtrack :D it was used many times until the beginning of the 12 temples saga and then never ever (as almost all the pre 12 temples music). I'm pretty sure that the old fans will identify the piece just by seeing these snapshots. Am i right? :D
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