"Sad Brothers" es una de las mejores piezas musicales de Saint Seiya. Asi de simple. Es tan extremadamente bella que, al finalizar, muchos tenemos no solo la tentacion sino el deseo de escucharla de nuevo. Eso explica la cantidad de videos en youtube solamente dedicados al track o la cantidad de transcripciones de la misma :O En realidad hasta el momento "solo" habia 2 transcripciones en existencia: La version de Liz Xu Wilson y la version de Toccata538. Hoy les presentamos una tercera version y viene de la mano de Teddy leongshe. Es una version compleja asi que preparen las manos.
"Sad Brothers" is one of the best musical pieces in Saint Seiya. It's that simple. It's so extremely beautiful that we have not only the temptation but the desire of listen it again when it ends. That explains the amount of youtube videos dedicated to the track or the amount of transcriptions from such piece :O In fact, to date, there were "only" 2 transcriptions in stock: the Liz Xu Wilson's version and the Toccata538's version. Today we introduce you a third version and comes by the hand of Teddy leongshe. It's a complex version so keep your hands ready.
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miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014
martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014
Otro tab luciferiano >:) 
La melodia de esta pieza musical es uno de los Leitmotivs del OST de la 4ta. pelicula de Saint Seiya: "Los caballeros del zodiaco contra Lucifer" y por lo tanto, merecia tener su tab :P Fue usada como ending de dicha pelicula y en ella podemos escuchar la grandiosa voz de kazuko Kawashima :D Esta pieza solo se escucho en la pelicula. Muchos la confundiran con "Last holy wars", que es la que suena en la escena de despedida de los caballeros dorados. Son parecidas pero no son la misma.
The melody of this musical piece is one of the leitmotivs from the 4th saint seiya movie's OST: "Warriors of the final holy battle", therefore it deserved to have a tab :P It was used as the ending in that movie and the marvelous voice that you hear belongs, of course, to Kazuko Kawashima :D This piece was only played in the movie. Many people confuse it with "Last holy wars" which is the one played in the Gold Saints' goodbye scene. They're very similar but not the same.

The melody of this musical piece is one of the leitmotivs from the 4th saint seiya movie's OST: "Warriors of the final holy battle", therefore it deserved to have a tab :P It was used as the ending in that movie and the marvelous voice that you hear belongs, of course, to Kazuko Kawashima :D This piece was only played in the movie. Many people confuse it with "Last holy wars" which is the one played in the Gold Saints' goodbye scene. They're very similar but not the same.
sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014
Espero que encuentres a quien buscas... 
Un pequeño tab de un, tambien, pequeño track. El ultimo BGM que se escucha en la pelicula Tenkai Hen (Apertura de la saga del cielo). Esta pieza musical aparece 2 veces en la pelicula... y tambien en el soundtrack! aunque con diferencias casi imperceptibles que solo se hacen evidentes para aquellos que las buscan (viola en vez de violin, chelos se escuchan mas fuertes, etc). El otro track donde se escucha se llama "Seiki no kutou" y le dedicamos un post tambien ;)
A small tab from an also small track. The last BGM played in the Tenkai hen movie (Heaven's saga overture). This musical piece shows up 2 times inside the movie... and in the soundtrack too! but with almost imperceptible differences only noticed by those who are looking for them (viola instead of violin, cellos sounds louder, etc). The other track where we can hear it is called "Seiki no kutou" and we also made a post for it ;)

A small tab from an also small track. The last BGM played in the Tenkai hen movie (Heaven's saga overture). This musical piece shows up 2 times inside the movie... and in the soundtrack too! but with almost imperceptible differences only noticed by those who are looking for them (viola instead of violin, cellos sounds louder, etc). The other track where we can hear it is called "Seiki no kutou" and we also made a post for it ;)
lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014
Acordes de Hero
Por fin pudimos escaparnos del ataud de hielo en el que camus nos encerro hace varios meses y volvimos con otro post! :P Por esas casualidades despertamos justo en medio de la fiebre latinoamericana por la pelicula en CGI "Saint seiya legend of sanctuary" y como somos unos unos oportunistas descarados, decidimos publicar material del soundtrack. En este caso los acordes del "ending" llamado Hero, el cual es verdaderamente bello y no tengo duda de que se va a convertir en un clasico del universo musical de Saint seiya.
Finally we were able to escape from the ice coffin where Camus locked us up a few months ago and we came back with another post! :P By one of those life's coincidences, we woke up just in the middle of the latinamerican fever for the CGI movie "Saint Seiya Legend of sanctuary" and as shameless opportunists that we are, we decided to publish this material from the soundtrack. In this case, it's the chords of the "ending" called hero which is truly beautiful and i have no doubt that it'll become a classic in the Saint Seiya's musical universe.
Finally we were able to escape from the ice coffin where Camus locked us up a few months ago and we came back with another post! :P By one of those life's coincidences, we woke up just in the middle of the latinamerican fever for the CGI movie "Saint Seiya Legend of sanctuary" and as shameless opportunists that we are, we decided to publish this material from the soundtrack. In this case, it's the chords of the "ending" called hero which is truly beautiful and i have no doubt that it'll become a classic in the Saint Seiya's musical universe.
viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014
Acordes de Stardust Way
Yo se que ustedes quieren acordes de canciones conocidas pero como verdaderos fans de esta serie estan obligados a aceptar todo lo que tenga que ver con Saint seiya :P Stardust Way es otra cancion del disco HITS 1 que no reconocera la mayoria. Porque? porque no "aparecio" en ningun capitulo de la serie. Porque no aparecio? La razon es obvia: Discriminacion XD
I know that you want chords from known songs but, as true fans of this series, you're bound to accept everything that has to do with Saint Seiya :P Stardust Way is another song from the album HITS 1 that won't be recognized by the majority. Why? Because it wasn't played in any episode of the series. Why it wasn't played? the reason is obvious: Discrimination XD
I know that you want chords from known songs but, as true fans of this series, you're bound to accept everything that has to do with Saint Seiya :P Stardust Way is another song from the album HITS 1 that won't be recognized by the majority. Why? Because it wasn't played in any episode of the series. Why it wasn't played? the reason is obvious: Discrimination XD
miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014
otra "Arpa"de pandora ? 

Esta pieza musical está ubicada al final del track "108 evil stars" y es una pieza en arpa que, podriamos decir, no tiene "dueño". El nombre del track no nos dice nada y en la saga de Hades hay al menos 4 personajes con instrumentos musicales a los cuales puede pertenecer la pieza (por si no lo sabian, la musica de las liras se toca en arpa XD ). Como sabemos que es de Pandora? la pista nos la da la Ova 13. En ella podemos escuchar por unica vez esa pieza musica y en dicha escena aparece Pandora! :D por supuesto, es una pena que no hayan usado esta pieza en mas escenas porque es verdaderamente bella.
This musical piece is located at the end of the track "108 evil stars" and we could say that this harp piece doesn't have an "owner". The name of the track doesn't tell us anything and, in the Hades saga, there are 4 characters with musical instruments so the piece can belong to anybody (In case you don't know it the music of the lyras is played in harp XD). So how do we know it's pandora's? The clue comes from the Ova 13. There we can hear this piece for a single time and in the scene Pandora appears! :D of course it's a pitty that they didn't use it more times because is truly beautiful.

This musical piece is located at the end of the track "108 evil stars" and we could say that this harp piece doesn't have an "owner". The name of the track doesn't tell us anything and, in the Hades saga, there are 4 characters with musical instruments so the piece can belong to anybody (In case you don't know it the music of the lyras is played in harp XD). So how do we know it's pandora's? The clue comes from the Ova 13. There we can hear this piece for a single time and in the scene Pandora appears! :D of course it's a pitty that they didn't use it more times because is truly beautiful.
Partituras/Sheet Music,
miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014
Acordes de You're Phoenix
"You are Phoenix" es la cancion dedicada a Ikki, el caballero del Fenix (na, en serio?). Esta es otra cancion que no logró quedar en ningun episodio de la serie y la verdad no se me ocurre una escena en donde usarla... a uds. si? :O
"You are Phoenix" is the song devoted to Ikki, the Phoenix saint (Oh really?). This is another song that didn't make it in an episode of the series and, to be honest, i can't think in a scene where to use it... and you? :O
"You are Phoenix" is the song devoted to Ikki, the Phoenix saint (Oh really?). This is another song that didn't make it in an episode of the series and, to be honest, i can't think in a scene where to use it... and you? :O
miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014
Requiem final de mime
No pude evitarlo! Mime me atrapo con sus cuerdas y me obligo a hacer otra partitura asi que aca va una transcripcion mas de la musica de Orfeo Mime ^^ La misma corresponde a la pieza del acorde final o ataque de remate(.com). Esta es la otra pieza musical que es ejecutada por los clones Orfeo (Eris), Orfeo (Hades) y Mime.
I couldn't help it! Mime catched me with his strings and forced me to make another sheet music so here we go with 1 more transcription of theOrpheus Mime's music ^^ It corresponds to the piece played when he do the "final chord" or the "finish him" attack. This is the other musical piece played by the clones Orpheus (Eris), Orphee (Hades) and Mime.
I couldn't help it! Mime catched me with his strings and forced me to make another sheet music so here we go with 1 more transcription of the
sábado, 18 de enero de 2014
Acordes de Sayonara Warriors
Basta de Lyras por el momento :) Hoy les traigo amor y los acordes de esta cancion virtualmente desconocida. Es, probablemente, la mejor cancion del disco 1996 Song Collection y estoy completamente seguro de que les va a gustar :D
Enough of Lyras for the moment :) Today i bring you love and the chords of this virtually unknown song. It's probably the best song of the 1996 album and i'm fully sure that you'll like it :D
Enough of Lyras for the moment :) Today i bring you love and the chords of this virtually unknown song. It's probably the best song of the 1996 album and i'm fully sure that you'll like it :D
lunes, 13 de enero de 2014
Otra de Mime
Mas musica de Mime! (va, tecnicamente es de Orfeo pero bueh :P) Esta es una de las 2 piezas musicales interpretadas por los 3 personajes clonicos: Mime, Orfeo (Eris) y Orfeo (Hades). Es la musica generalmente usada cuando "atrapan" a su oponente. No les va a resultar desconocida ya que es otra de las versiones del "Requiem de Mime". Y si, es cortita ^^
More Mime's music (well, technically it's Orpheus' music but what the hell... :P) This is one of the 2 musical pieces played by the 3 clone characters: Mime, Orpheus (Eris) and Orphee (Hades). This music is usually played when the lyra (Harp) is "catching" the enemy. It won't be unknown for you because is another version of the famous "Mime's Requiem". And yes, it's a little short ^^
More Mime's music (well, technically it's Orpheus' music but what the hell... :P) This is one of the 2 musical pieces played by the 3 clone characters: Mime, Orpheus (Eris) and Orphee (Hades). This music is usually played when the lyra (Harp) is "catching" the enemy. It won't be unknown for you because is another version of the famous "Mime's Requiem". And yes, it's a little short ^^
Partituras/Sheet Music,
sábado, 4 de enero de 2014
Requiem de Mime a 2 guitarras
Si, como lo leen. Una adaptacion para 2 guitarras de la famosa tonada de Mime. Contrario a lo que puedan pensar, resultó mas sencillo hacer el tab para 2 guitarras porque esencialmente es una trascripcion "literal" de las partituras que hice hace algun tiempo. Hacer una transcripcion del requiem para 1 sola guitarra manteniendo fidelidad con la pieza original (es decir, melodia + acompañamiento) es algo muy dificil aunque no imposible.
Yes, as you read. A transcription for 2 guitars of the famous Mime's melody. Contrary to what you might think, it became easier to make the tab for 2 guitars because, in essence, it's a "literal" transcription from the sheet music made by me time ago. Making a transcription of the Requiem for 1 guitar and keeping the accuracy with the original piece (i.e. melody + accompaniment) it's something difficult but not impossible.
(de 00:00 a 01:02 :P / from 00:00 to 01:02 :P )
Yes, as you read. A transcription for 2 guitars of the famous Mime's melody. Contrary to what you might think, it became easier to make the tab for 2 guitars because, in essence, it's a "literal" transcription from the sheet music made by me time ago. Making a transcription of the Requiem for 1 guitar and keeping the accuracy with the original piece (i.e. melody + accompaniment) it's something difficult but not impossible.
(de 00:00 a 01:02 :P / from 00:00 to 01:02 :P )
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