Revisando videos por youtube uno se encuentra varias sorpresas. Esta vez me encontre con otro fan frances llamado Alexandre Tobosarevic, quien resulto ser bastante bueno en el piano. Realizo varias transcripciones de BGMs de SAINT SEIYA, las cuales son muy fieles al track original. Porsupuesto que esto a veces conlleva a un aumento en la dificultad de la transcripcion pero bueno, no todo es facil en la vida :P Por desgracia solo hay 1 transcripcion disponible aunque esperamos que eso cambie en el futuro :D Tambien esta el detalle de que dicha transcripcion esta hecha a mano, algo que ciertamente no es un obstaculo si uno desea verdaderamente tocar la musica de Saint Seiya. Tambien recomiendo ver el resto de videos de su canal ya que hay varias buenas sorpresas.
when one watches videos in youtube, eventually one can find some surprises. This time i found a french fan called Alexandre Tobosarevic, who plays very good the piano. He made a few transcriptions of Saint seiya's BGMs, which are very close to the original track. Of course this comes, sometimes, with an increased difficulty of the trancription but that's life :P unfortunately, there's only 1 transcription available but we hope that it'll change in the future :D Also there's the little detail that such transcription is done handmade, something that isn't an obstacle if you really want to play the Saint seiya music. I also recommend to watch the rest of the videos in his channel because there're good surprises.
Canal de tobosarevic / tobosarevic's channel
lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011
miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011
Acordes de " The Knigths of Zodiac"
Muchos escucharon esta cancion y la odiaron. No porque sea mala en si, sino porque es la cancion usada en el opening inventado (Por la desaparecida DIC) para la version estadounidense de Saint seiya, renombrada como "knights of zodiac". Para los que no lo sepan, esta version de Saint seiya conto con nueva musica que no estaba al nivel de la original, una censura bestial, guion "infantilizado" y un doblaje espantoso. Digamos, el tratamiento normal que sufre un anime en USA XDD Esta cancion es un cover de la cancion de los 80's "I ran (so far away)" perteneciente a la banda britanica "Flock Of Seagulls". Los acordes son faciles asi como la complejidad de la cancion en si.
Many of you heard this song and hated it. Not because it's a bad song itself but because is the song used in the invented opening (by the late DIC) for the USA version of Saint Seiya called "Knights of Zodiac". For those who don't know it, this version of Saint Seiya had many beautiful things: new music not in the same level of the original, monumental censorship, a childish rewritten script and an awful dubbing. Let's say, the normal treatment for an anime in USA XDD This song is a cover from the 80's song "I ran (so far away)" from the british band "Flock Of Seagulls". The chords are easy, just like the complexity of the song.
Many of you heard this song and hated it. Not because it's a bad song itself but because is the song used in the invented opening (by the late DIC) for the USA version of Saint Seiya called "Knights of Zodiac". For those who don't know it, this version of Saint Seiya had many beautiful things: new music not in the same level of the original, monumental censorship, a childish rewritten script and an awful dubbing. Let's say, the normal treatment for an anime in USA XDD This song is a cover from the 80's song "I ran (so far away)" from the british band "Flock Of Seagulls". The chords are easy, just like the complexity of the song.
jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011
Actualizaciones / updates
Ya comenzo el proceso de actualizacion de los posts "antiguos" de tabs. Se les ira agregando videotutoriales + archivos guitar pro + midis + partituras de los tabs. Hace tiempo vengo recibiendo muchos mensajes consultando/preguntanto acerca de como tocar ciertas partes de un tab y a veces es bastante dificil explicarlo con palabras. Nada mejor que un video para hacer eso :D
En el margen derecho hay un link "Actualizaciones". Ahi van a poder ver que posts, cuando y con que se han ido actualizando, de modo que no haya que revisar los posts 1 a 1 para ver si hay algo nuevo.
Y para rellenar un poco este post, les dejo los 2 posts actualizados el dia de hoy.
The process of updating the "old" tabs posts has began. It'll be added viteotutorials + guitar pro files + midis + tab sheet music. For a long time i received a lot of messages asking about how to play certain part of a tab and sometimes is very difficult to explain it with words. Nothing better than a video to do that :D
On the right margin there's a link "Actualizaciones" (updates). There you'll be able to see which posts, when and with what have been updated so you don't have to check the posts 1 by 1 looking for something new.
And to fill this post a little, here you have the 2 posts updated today.
· "Remember Sadness" en guitarrita acustica
· Tabs del "String Nocturne" de Orfeo ( y 1 video de su servidor XD)
En el margen derecho hay un link "Actualizaciones". Ahi van a poder ver que posts, cuando y con que se han ido actualizando, de modo que no haya que revisar los posts 1 a 1 para ver si hay algo nuevo.
Y para rellenar un poco este post, les dejo los 2 posts actualizados el dia de hoy.
The process of updating the "old" tabs posts has began. It'll be added viteotutorials + guitar pro files + midis + tab sheet music. For a long time i received a lot of messages asking about how to play certain part of a tab and sometimes is very difficult to explain it with words. Nothing better than a video to do that :D
On the right margin there's a link "Actualizaciones" (updates). There you'll be able to see which posts, when and with what have been updated so you don't have to check the posts 1 by 1 looking for something new.
And to fill this post a little, here you have the 2 posts updated today.
· "Remember Sadness" en guitarrita acustica
· Tabs del "String Nocturne" de Orfeo ( y 1 video de su servidor XD)
lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011
El opening de Saint Seiya Senki tiene una cancion conocida
Hace unos dias se hizo publico el opening de Saint Seiya senki ( 聖闘士星矢戦記 ), el juego para playstation 3 que saldra a la venta en japon en un par de dias. Adivinen que cancion tiene de fondo? Les doy 2 opciones: 1)una cancion nueva o 2)Pegasus Fantasy. Si tienen alguna nocion de saint seiya, habran descubierto cual es :P Por ahora se ve que han ajustado un poco el presupuesto en cuanto a la musica porque ademas de usar Pegasus Fantasy por enesima vez, algo que en el primer juego queda bien pero para el tercero como que ya no da, tambien van a usar algunos FX y musica de los anteriores juegos para PS2 (para los menues por el momento, pero bue...).
En fin, el opening se ve muy bien :) esperemos que en algun momento algun fan japones "nos consiga" el soundtrack del juego :P
En fin, el opening se ve muy bien :) esperemos que en algun momento algun fan japones "nos consiga" el soundtrack del juego :P
A few days ago the opening of Saint Seiya Senki ( 聖闘士星矢戦記 ) was released. The game for the PS3 will be out for sale in a few days in japan.
Can you guess the song used in the opening? i give you 2 choices: 1)A new song or 2)Pegasus Fantasy. If you know something about Saint Seiya, then you'll guess the answer :P It looks like the budget was tighten up a little for the music (for now at least) because they'll use Pegasus fantasy for the umpteenth time, something that can be nice in the 1st game but for the 3rd one looks a little shameful, and some Fx and music from the previous PS2 games (for the menues for now...).
Anyway, the opening looks very good :) let's hope that in some future moment some japanese fan can "get us" the soundtrack of the game :P
jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011
concierto en vivo de Saint Seiya por el grupo Kanan
El grupo Kanan es, segun sus propias palabras, una banda mexicana dedicada a difundir y promover la musica j/k-pop aunque tambien incluyen musica de videojuegos y animes. La cosa es que el 15 de enero del 2011 dieron un concierto, junto a la orquesta Stradivari, conmemorando los 25 años de Saint seiya. Desde ese entonces se pudieron ver algunos videos de la presentacion, la cual se veia bastante bien. bueno, la gran noticia es que ahora tenemos el CD de ese concierto en vivo para descargar! (y es de distribucion gratuita asi que esta vez no caemos en la ilegalidad :P ). La descarga esta un poco pesada (230 megas) ya que cada track esta en formato Wav, pero si se pueden bajar peliculas seguro que pueden con esto ^_^
Una gran iniciativa que demuestra 1 vez mas que Saint seiya/Los caballeros del zodiaco sigue muy vivo en latinoamerica :D
The Kanan group is, in their own words, a mexican band dedicated to spread and promote the j-pop/rock music althought they also include music from videogames and animes. The thing is that the january 15, 2001 they gave a concert, alongside with the Stradivari Orchestra, celebrating the 25 years of Saint Seiya. Since then some videos of the presentation were released and it looked good. Well, the big news is that we have the CD of that live concert for downloading! (and is for free distribution so this time we're inside the law :P). The download is a little heavy (230 MB) because each track is in Wav format but if you can download movies, you can handle this ^_^
A great initiative which shows 1 more time that Saint Seiya is very alive in latin america :D
Paginas en facebook / Facebook pages
Inside a Dream
Una gran iniciativa que demuestra 1 vez mas que Saint seiya/Los caballeros del zodiaco sigue muy vivo en latinoamerica :D
The Kanan group is, in their own words, a mexican band dedicated to spread and promote the j-pop/rock music althought they also include music from videogames and animes. The thing is that the january 15, 2001 they gave a concert, alongside with the Stradivari Orchestra, celebrating the 25 years of Saint Seiya. Since then some videos of the presentation were released and it looked good. Well, the big news is that we have the CD of that live concert for downloading! (and is for free distribution so this time we're inside the law :P). The download is a little heavy (230 MB) because each track is in Wav format but if you can download movies, you can handle this ^_^
A great initiative which shows 1 more time that Saint Seiya is very alive in latin america :D
Paginas en facebook / Facebook pages
Inside a Dream
martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011
El canto de una diosa ( para piano :D )
Como habran visto, el blog se tomo unas pequeñas vacaciones. Tanto por razones personales del autor como por razones tecnicas y de planeamiento(traduccion: no les interesa el porque :P). Los descansos siempre sirven para recuperar la energia y las ganas. El cosmos del blog sigue brillando fuerte ;)
Bueno, basta de charla y vayamos a lo nuestro. Hoy tenemos un arreglo para piano de "Deukalion's big floods", una composicion inconfundible entre los fans de Saint Seiya/los caballeros del zodiaco y una pieza donde KAZUKO KAWASHIMA emociona y deslumbra por igual :D
As you've seen, the blog took some vacations. Both personal reasons and technical/planning reasons (translation: you don't care why :P). The rests are always useful to get one's energy and strenght back. The blog's cosmo shines on strongly ;)
Enough chat. Let's go to our business. Today que have and arrangement for piano of "Deukalion's big Floods", an unmistakable composition among the Saint seiya fans and a piece where KAZUKO KAWASHIMA touchs and dazzles us equally.
Sitio Oficial / Official Site
Bueno, basta de charla y vayamos a lo nuestro. Hoy tenemos un arreglo para piano de "Deukalion's big floods", una composicion inconfundible entre los fans de Saint Seiya/los caballeros del zodiaco y una pieza donde KAZUKO KAWASHIMA emociona y deslumbra por igual :D
As you've seen, the blog took some vacations. Both personal reasons and technical/planning reasons (translation: you don't care why :P). The rests are always useful to get one's energy and strenght back. The blog's cosmo shines on strongly ;)
Enough chat. Let's go to our business. Today que have and arrangement for piano of "Deukalion's big Floods", an unmistakable composition among the Saint seiya fans and a piece where KAZUKO KAWASHIMA touchs and dazzles us equally.
Sitio Oficial / Official Site
Partituras/Sheet Music,
martes, 18 de octubre de 2011
Tab del intro de la Saga de Asgard 
Hace poco ( :P ) fue posteada la partitura para piano de TOWARD VALHALLA TEMPLE (contribucion de Jorge Cantoriano). Al ver esa partitura tan sencilla me atrevi a intentar tocarla en la guitarra. Grande fue mi sorpresa al ver que pude tocarla completa sin ningun problema y con practicamente nada de arreglos. Inmediatamente lo transcribi y bueno, aqui tenemos el tab para guitarra de dicho track. No es un tab para nada dificil, solo requiere algo de coordinacion :P el nivel del tab esta entre principiante y medio.
Recently ( :P ) the sheet music of TOWARD VALHALLA TEMPLE (Jorge Cantoriano's contribution) was posted. When i looked that this sheet music was so simple, i dared to play it in the guitar. The surprise was big when i played it and i was able to do it completely without any trouble and, almost, any arrangement. I transcribed at once and well, here we have the guitar tab of such track. It's not a difficul tab at all, it only requires a little of coordination :P the tab level is between begginer and medium.
Recently ( :P ) the sheet music of TOWARD VALHALLA TEMPLE (Jorge Cantoriano's contribution) was posted. When i looked that this sheet music was so simple, i dared to play it in the guitar. The surprise was big when i played it and i was able to do it completely without any trouble and, almost, any arrangement. I transcribed at once and well, here we have the guitar tab of such track. It's not a difficul tab at all, it only requires a little of coordination :P the tab level is between begginer and medium.
Partituras/Sheet Music,
viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011
Tabs de Abel's theme (+ guitar pro :OOO ) 
OH YEA BABY! Despues de tantos pedidos, el famoso tema de abel (emblema de la pelicula de Abel "Shinku no shonen densetsu") hace su aparicion en forma de tab para guitarra :DD El "porque" de la fama y la atraccion que genera este tema es una gran incognita para mi. Yo la primera vez que lo escuche no me gusto y sinceramente al dia de hoy no se si me gusta o no :P aunque tiene la gran virtud de ser una pieza musical "sencilla" que puede transcribirse facilmente a todos los instrumentos musicales.
Asi como los 3 jueces del infierno son considerados los espectros mas poderosos de entre los 108 , El tema de abel junto con "el requiem de mime" y "remember sadness" forman el trio de BGMs mas recordados y aclamados por los fans.
OH YEA BABY! After many requests, the famous abel's theme (emblem of the abel movie "shinku no shounen densetsu") make its appearance in a guitar tab :DD The "why" of its fame and attraction is a big question for me. The first time i heard it, i didn't like it and sincerely as of today i don't know if it likes me or not :P althought it has the enormous virtue of being a "simple" piece which can be easily transcribed to the other musical instruments.
As well as the 3 infernal judges are considered the most powerfull specters among the 108, the "Abel's theme" along with "Mime's Requiem" and "Remember Sadness" are the most memorable and claimed BGMs by the fans.

Asi como los 3 jueces del infierno son considerados los espectros mas poderosos de entre los 108 , El tema de abel junto con "el requiem de mime" y "remember sadness" forman el trio de BGMs mas recordados y aclamados por los fans.
OH YEA BABY! After many requests, the famous abel's theme (emblem of the abel movie "shinku no shounen densetsu") make its appearance in a guitar tab :DD The "why" of its fame and attraction is a big question for me. The first time i heard it, i didn't like it and sincerely as of today i don't know if it likes me or not :P althought it has the enormous virtue of being a "simple" piece which can be easily transcribed to the other musical instruments.
As well as the 3 infernal judges are considered the most powerfull specters among the 108, the "Abel's theme" along with "Mime's Requiem" and "Remember Sadness" are the most memorable and claimed BGMs by the fans.
Partituras/Sheet Music,
jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011
En australia tambien tocan Saint Seiya y bastante bien...
Hoy no hay partituras, ni tabs ni acordes. Solo buena musica para disfrutar :D Aqui tenemos a un fan australiano que se hace llamar "Daphnis et Chloé" el cual toca arreglos propios en piano de 3 piezas de Saint Seiya: Inside a Dream, Remember Sadness y Finish hymn of light. No solo los arreglos son muy buenos, sino que su interpretacion en el piano es simplemente exquisita. Facilmente su version de "Inside a Dream" podria haber sido incluida en el disco piano fantasia :D
No dejen de ver los demas videos de su canal con interpretaciones de alto nivel y canciones bastante hermosas.
canal de youtube / youtube channel
No dejen de ver los demas videos de su canal con interpretaciones de alto nivel y canciones bastante hermosas.
Today there's not sheet music, neither tabs or chords. Only good music to enjoy :D here we have an australian fan who calls himself "Daphnis et Chloé" and plays his own piano arrangements of 3 Saint Seiya´s pieces: Inside a Dream, Remember Sadness and Finish hymn of light. The arrangements are, certainly, very good but his piano interpretation is just exquisite. Easily his version of "Inside a Dream" could have been added in the piano fantasia album :D
The rest of the videos in his channel have great performances too and the songs are quite beautiful. You should watch them all.canal en youtube.
canal de youtube / youtube channel
Inside a Dream
lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011
Siete guerreros portando las legendarias armaduras sagradas...
"... se reunieron ante Hilda, la representante en la tierra de Odin, Señor de Asgard, en el norte de Europa. Juraron destruir el Santuario. La cortina de otra batalla mortal ha sido abierta..." JA! sin dudas muchisimos fanaticos latinos se sabran ese parrafo de memoria (al igual que yo :P). Para los que no, les cuento que eso era mas o menos lo que decia el locutor, con algunas variaciones, cuando daba el resumen del capitulo anterior en la saga de Asgard. Si son algo nostalgicos, estan de suerte porque hoy tenemos la partitura de la pieza musical que se escuchaba de fondo en ese resumen. Nuevamente debemos agradecer a jorge cantoriano por su aporte :D La partitura es de lo mas sencilla (dado que la pieza en si es sencilla) asi que no hay excusa para no tocarla ahora mismo en el piano. Incluso, si son fanaticos enfermizos, una vez que se la sepan bien pueden tratar de tocarla y recitar el parrafo a la vez XDD
"... gathered around Hilda, the earth representative of Odin, the Asgard Lord, in north Europe. They swore to destroy the sanctuary. The curtain of another deadly battle has been open..." HA! without any doubt, a lot of fans know this paragraph by heart (just like me :P). For those who don't, i tell you that this was more or less what the announcer says when he gave the summary of the previous episode in the Asgard saga. If you are a little nostalgic, you are lucky because today we have the sheet music of the musical piece played in that summary. We must thank again to Jorge Cantoriano for his contribution :D The sheet music is really simple (the musical piece is simple too) so there's no excuse for not play it right now. You can even try, if you are sick fans, to play it and say the speech at the same time XDD
"... gathered around Hilda, the earth representative of Odin, the Asgard Lord, in north Europe. They swore to destroy the sanctuary. The curtain of another deadly battle has been open..." HA! without any doubt, a lot of fans know this paragraph by heart (just like me :P). For those who don't, i tell you that this was more or less what the announcer says when he gave the summary of the previous episode in the Asgard saga. If you are a little nostalgic, you are lucky because today we have the sheet music of the musical piece played in that summary. We must thank again to Jorge Cantoriano for his contribution :D The sheet music is really simple (the musical piece is simple too) so there's no excuse for not play it right now. You can even try, if you are sick fans, to play it and say the speech at the same time XDD
Partituras/Sheet Music,
miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011
" Con la fuerza de mis brazos! / En su propio terreno " para piano :D
Si son medianamente fanaticos (y latinoamericanos :P), el titulo de este post los habra transportado a una iconica escena donde se escucha una de las mejores y mas conocidas piezas de Saint Seiya. Si no han descubierto a que escena se refiere, les dejo como tarea encontrarla XD Lo que si les voy a decir es que hablamos de "Sad brothers", esa magica pieza que nos hizo estremecer varias veces durante la saga del Santuario. Se escucho hasta el capitulo 40 (1 capitulo antes de la saga de las 12 casas) y despues nunca mas.
Esta partitura para piano fue hecha por Liz Xu Wilson, alguien que ya tiene un par de post en este blog :) Es una version mas lineal y facil que la version de Toccata538 asi que los principiantes deberian echarle un ojo a esta.
"Sad Brothers", that magical piece which made us to thrill many times during the Sanctuary chapter. It was played until the episode 40 ( 1 episode before the beginning of the 12 temples saga) and it was never played again.
This sheet music / score for piano was made by Liz Xu Wilson, someone who already has a couple of entries in this blog :) It's a more lineal and easy version than the Toccata538's version so the beginners should give it a look.
Sitio Oficial / Official Site
Esta partitura para piano fue hecha por Liz Xu Wilson, alguien que ya tiene un par de post en este blog :) Es una version mas lineal y facil que la version de Toccata538 asi que los principiantes deberian echarle un ojo a esta.
"Sad Brothers", that magical piece which made us to thrill many times during the Sanctuary chapter. It was played until the episode 40 ( 1 episode before the beginning of the 12 temples saga) and it was never played again.
This sheet music / score for piano was made by Liz Xu Wilson, someone who already has a couple of entries in this blog :) It's a more lineal and easy version than the Toccata538's version so the beginners should give it a look.
Sitio Oficial / Official Site
Partituras/Sheet Music,
jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011
Seiya vs Shaina, la partitura (del tenkai hen...)
Bueno, Seiya y Shaina han peleado muchas veces en la serie asi que es buena la aclaracion de que se trata de la pelea que tiene lugar en la pelicula "Tenkai hen josou overture" (o "la pelicula del cielo"). Bueno, en realidad una parte de la pelea :P Esta partitura corresponde a la pieza musical cuya melodia uno de los Leitmotivs del Soundtrack. No suena en ninguna otra escena de Saint seiya (no confundir con el track "Yurushite" ) aunque hay que destacar la rareza de que la primera parte del track es usado en la escena final de athena y seiya desmemoriados pero figura, en el tracklist, como si fuera otro track :S En fin, esta es otra partitura para piano hecha por Jose Cantoriano, quien ya contribuyo anteriormente con la partitura de Yasashii Koku, tambien del soundtrack del Tenkai hen.
La partitura abarca el track completo y es tanto sencilla como exacta asi que no se pueden quejar ^^
Well, Seiya and Shaina had fought many times in the series so it's good to clarify that this one is the fight from the movie "Tenkai hen josou overture" (or "the heaven's movie"). Actually is a part of the whole fight but what the hell :P This sheet music is from the piece which melody is one of the soundtrack Leitmotivs. It's not played in any other scene in Saint Seiya (Don't confuse it with "yurushite" ) althought we must emphasize 1 strange thing: The first part of this track is played in the final scene where Seiya and Athena talk without any memory but it appears, in the tracklist, as if it was another track! :S Anyway, this is another sheet music for piano made by Jose Cantoriano, who has already contributed previously with the Yasashii koku sheet music, also in the Tenkai hen soundtrack.
This sheet music comprise the whole track and is both simple and accurate so you can't complain ^^
La partitura abarca el track completo y es tanto sencilla como exacta asi que no se pueden quejar ^^
Well, Seiya and Shaina had fought many times in the series so it's good to clarify that this one is the fight from the movie "Tenkai hen josou overture" (or "the heaven's movie"). Actually is a part of the whole fight but what the hell :P This sheet music is from the piece which melody is one of the soundtrack Leitmotivs. It's not played in any other scene in Saint Seiya (Don't confuse it with "yurushite" ) althought we must emphasize 1 strange thing: The first part of this track is played in the final scene where Seiya and Athena talk without any memory but it appears, in the tracklist, as if it was another track! :S Anyway, this is another sheet music for piano made by Jose Cantoriano, who has already contributed previously with the Yasashii koku sheet music, also in the Tenkai hen soundtrack.
This sheet music comprise the whole track and is both simple and accurate so you can't complain ^^
Partituras/Sheet Music,
sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011
Canciones vocales del pachinko para descargar (y el juego online para rellenar el post :P)
Sin duda el juego pachinko de Saint seiya ha causado revuelo entre los fans. La idea de incluir escenas remakeadas de la saga de las 12 casas (la saga mas importante de la serie) fue una buena jugada para darle empuje y distincion a un juego bastante simple como lo es una tragamonedas. Inclusive se la jugaron con las escenas 3D de las luchas, muy bien hechas y con una calidad que solo vemos en juegos de ultima generacion. En fin, los muchachos de Sanyo se la volvieron a jugar y pusieron el juego pachinko disponible para jugarlo online! bueno, es una version reducida y la interactividad es limitada pero que podemos decir. Es lo que hay :P En vista de que, probablemente, sea lo ultimo que sepamos del pachinko, les dejo para descargar las canciones vocales reversionadas que salieron hace ya un tiempo pero que por alguna razon misteriosa (algun desfase del espacio-tiempo) no fueron posteadas en el blog ^_^¿
Doubtlessly, the Saint Seiya pachinko game caused excitement between the fans. The idea of include remade scenes from the 12 temples chapter (the most important saga from the series) was a good move because it gives distinction and a push to a simple game like this slot machine. They even staked it with the 3D fight scenes. Very well done it and with a quality seen only in last generation games. Anyway, the Sanyo boys staked it again and put the pachinko game in online format! Well, it's a reduced version and the interactivity is limited but ¿what can we say? that's all there is :P Considering that, probably, this will be the last news about the pachinko, i leave you the remade vocal songs released long time ago but, for some misterious reason (some space-time disruption), weren't posted in the blog ^_^¿
Pachinko Online
Doubtlessly, the Saint Seiya pachinko game caused excitement between the fans. The idea of include remade scenes from the 12 temples chapter (the most important saga from the series) was a good move because it gives distinction and a push to a simple game like this slot machine. They even staked it with the 3D fight scenes. Very well done it and with a quality seen only in last generation games. Anyway, the Sanyo boys staked it again and put the pachinko game in online format! Well, it's a reduced version and the interactivity is limited but ¿what can we say? that's all there is :P Considering that, probably, this will be the last news about the pachinko, i leave you the remade vocal songs released long time ago but, for some misterious reason (some space-time disruption), weren't posted in the blog ^_^¿
Pachinko Online
lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011
El Doujinshi musical de Saint Seiya
Un doujinshi seria lo que en occidente llamamos "fanzine" aunque alla en japon generalmente lo hacen mangakas profesionales :P Este doujinshi fue hecho por Haruna Shimamura y nos cuenta, en forma de parodia, "otra version" de la historia desarrollada en las ovas 14, 15 y 16 de Hades. Aunque solo son 8 paginas, resulta muy divertido de leer. Porsupuesto, lo disfrutaran mas si son fans de Saint seiya y logran identificar todos los guiños referentes a la historia original ;)
A doujinshi is what we call a "fanzine" althought in japan are made by professional mangakas :P This doujinshi was made by Haruna Shimamura and is a parody of the story that we saw in the ovas 14, 15 and 16 from Hades. There are only 8 pages but is really funny to read. Of course, it will be enjoyed mostly if you are Saint Seiya fans and can identify all the references and winks ;)
A doujinshi is what we call a "fanzine" althought in japan are made by professional mangakas :P This doujinshi was made by Haruna Shimamura and is a parody of the story that we saw in the ovas 14, 15 and 16 from Hades. There are only 8 pages but is really funny to read. Of course, it will be enjoyed mostly if you are Saint Seiya fans and can identify all the references and winks ;)
miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011
Una partitura de las "viejitas"
Una partitura? en este blog? jaja si, hace rato que no se publica una partitura. Menos aun una de las "mias". Lo cierto es que actualmente no tengo tanto tiempo disponible y, aunque no lo parezca, hacerlas lleva su tiempo. Pero bueno, aun hay voluntad asi que las partituras seguiran apareciendo :)
Esta pieza musical sera reconocida mayormente por los viejos fans ya que pertenece al OST 1 y se utilizo en las sagas previas a las 12 casas. El sensei yokoyama hace buen uso del piano electrico para ilustrar la ternura en su musica ;) la partitura tal vez no sea tan sencilla como otras pero no quise simplificar demasiado el acompañamiento para asi lograr mas fidelidad al original. De todas maneras no es imposible. Solo hara falta algo de practica :D
A sheet music? in this blog? haha yes, it has been a while since a sheet music was published. The truth is that i don't have so much time available for now and, even if it doesn't look like, make sheet music takes time. But well, i have "will" so the sheet music will still showing up :)
This musical piece will be recognized mostly by the old fans because it belongs to the OST 1 and it was used in the previous sagas to the 12 temples. The Yokoyama sensei uses well the electric piano for illustrating the tenderness in his music :D Maybe this sheet music is not as easy as others that i made but i didn't want to simplified too much the accompaniment so we can get more fidelity to the original composition. Anyway, it's not an impossible sheet music. It will take just a little more practice :D
Esta pieza musical sera reconocida mayormente por los viejos fans ya que pertenece al OST 1 y se utilizo en las sagas previas a las 12 casas. El sensei yokoyama hace buen uso del piano electrico para ilustrar la ternura en su musica ;) la partitura tal vez no sea tan sencilla como otras pero no quise simplificar demasiado el acompañamiento para asi lograr mas fidelidad al original. De todas maneras no es imposible. Solo hara falta algo de practica :D
A sheet music? in this blog? haha yes, it has been a while since a sheet music was published. The truth is that i don't have so much time available for now and, even if it doesn't look like, make sheet music takes time. But well, i have "will" so the sheet music will still showing up :)
This musical piece will be recognized mostly by the old fans because it belongs to the OST 1 and it was used in the previous sagas to the 12 temples. The Yokoyama sensei uses well the electric piano for illustrating the tenderness in his music :D Maybe this sheet music is not as easy as others that i made but i didn't want to simplified too much the accompaniment so we can get more fidelity to the original composition. Anyway, it's not an impossible sheet music. It will take just a little more practice :D
Partituras/Sheet Music,
jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011
El disco "Character Song" del Lost Canvas (si, si, para descargar esta vez XD)
Finalmente (y despues de una larga espera) el disco vocal de "El lienzo perdido" esta entre nosotros. Un disco que, al momento de anunciarse, genero bastante curiosidad por el hecho de ser un "Character album". Para aquellos que no lo sepan, un "Character album" es un disco con canciones dedicadas a determinados personajes de un anime (o manga, serie de tv, etc), los cuales son cantados por las mismas personas que les ponen la voz al personaje (seiyuus).
Finally (and after a long wait) The Lost canvas vocal album is among us. An album which, at the moment of the announcement, caused a lot of curiosity because it's a "Character album". For those who don't know it, a character album is an album with songs dedicated to certain characters from an anime (or manga, tv series, etc), which are sung by the same persons who give the voice for that character (Seiyuus).
Finally (and after a long wait) The Lost canvas vocal album is among us. An album which, at the moment of the announcement, caused a lot of curiosity because it's a "Character album". For those who don't know it, a character album is an album with songs dedicated to certain characters from an anime (or manga, tv series, etc), which are sung by the same persons who give the voice for that character (Seiyuus).
sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011
"The Second Story", EL DISCO de Kazuko Kawashima
Muchos de ustedes la conocen. No por su nombre sino por su hermosa voz. Hablamos de Kazuko Kawashima ( 川島和子 ), la cantante que le pone su magica voz a muchos de los BGMs (musica de fondo) de Saint Seiya. "Inside a Dream", "Aria of the Three", "Sad Brothers" o "Deukalion's big floods" son algunas de esas piezas. Aquellos que se enamoraron de su voz tambien se habran preguntado ¿tendra algun disco propio por algun lado? bueno, la respuesta es que SII!! De hecho ella ha sacado discos como "solista" pero haciendo scat en su mayoria. "The Second Story" es un disco mas personal y podria considerarse EL DISCO. No seria el primer disco "solista" de la Sra. Kawashima, aunque si el ultimo que saco :P Es un poco dificil de conseguir ya que lo unico que encontre fueron los demos de las canciones :S
Many of you know her. Not by her name but her beautiful voice. We're talking about Kazuko Kawashima (川島和子), the singer who gives her magical voice to many BGMs from Saint Seiya. "Inside a Dream", "Aria of the Three", "Sad Brothers" or "Deukalion's big floods" are a few of them. Those who fell in love with her voice may have wondered ¿Does she have some own album somewhere? Well, the answer is YESS!! In fact, she recorded albums as "soloist" but doing scat mostly. "The Second Story" is a more personal album and could be considered THE ALBUM. It wouldn't be the first solo album from Ms. Kawashima but it would be the last one released :P Is a little hard to find because the only thing i found was the demos of the songs :S
Sitio oficial:
Many of you know her. Not by her name but her beautiful voice. We're talking about Kazuko Kawashima (川島和子), the singer who gives her magical voice to many BGMs from Saint Seiya. "Inside a Dream", "Aria of the Three", "Sad Brothers" or "Deukalion's big floods" are a few of them. Those who fell in love with her voice may have wondered ¿Does she have some own album somewhere? Well, the answer is YESS!! In fact, she recorded albums as "soloist" but doing scat mostly. "The Second Story" is a more personal album and could be considered THE ALBUM. It wouldn't be the first solo album from Ms. Kawashima but it would be the last one released :P Is a little hard to find because the only thing i found was the demos of the songs :S
Sitio oficial:
lunes, 1 de agosto de 2011
Openings y endings de Saint seiya en el pachinko
Mas novedades sobre este juego que solo esta disponible en Japon y del que solo podemos obtener informacion gracias a videos de baja calidad grabado por fans japoneses. Oremos porque un dia tengamos videos en buena calidad :P Bueno, como ya habiamos adelantado en el blog, no solo pegasus fantasy fue re-versionado para el pachinko. Soldier Dream tambien fue re-versionado, asi como muchas otras canciones que sirvieron como aperturas y cierres de la serie, ovas, etc.
More news about this game which is only available in Japan and we only can get info thanks to low quality videos from japanese fans. Let's pray for a Good quality video some day :P well, as we said before in the blog, Pegasus Fantasy wasn't the only remade song for the Pachinko. Soldier Dream was remade too, as well as many other openings and endings from the series, ovas, etc.
More news about this game which is only available in Japan and we only can get info thanks to low quality videos from japanese fans. Let's pray for a Good quality video some day :P well, as we said before in the blog, Pegasus Fantasy wasn't the only remade song for the Pachinko. Soldier Dream was remade too, as well as many other openings and endings from the series, ovas, etc.
viernes, 29 de julio de 2011
Muestras del "Character album" de El lienzo perdido
Bueno, aca tenemos el preview de lo que sera el disco "character song" del Lienzo Perdido (Lost canvas). 9 canciones que van desde el pop, rock e incluso parece haber un para-para! :P
Well, here we have the preview of the future "character song" CD from The Lost Canvas. 9 songs of pop, rock and maybe even a para-para one! :P
Video original:
Well, here we have the preview of the future "character song" CD from The Lost Canvas. 9 songs of pop, rock and maybe even a para-para one! :P
Video original:
martes, 26 de julio de 2011
El juego "Saint Seiya online" estrena web ( y tiene una magnifica cancion de fondo :DDD) 
Sorpresivamente hace unos dias aparecio la pagina web del famoso (y por ahora desconocido) juego online de Saint seiya, el cual esta siendo desarrollado por Sega y Perfect world entertainment. Pues bien, ya la han actualizado y el gran detalle es que esta web tiene como musica de fondo una cancion roquera bastante buena. Lo primero que podriamos pensar es que es un karaoke ya que no hay nisiquiera una guitarra haciendo la melodia y tiene toda la estructura de ser una cancion vocal (verso, coro, solo, etc). Si la cancion ya es buena en su version karaoke, ni me quiero imaginar en su version completa :OOOOO
Surprisingly a few days ago a web site from the famous (and unknown for now) Saint Seiya online game was up. The game is currently being developed by Sega and Perfect World Entertainment. Well, the site was updated and the big detail is that the web has ,as background music, a pretty good rock song. The first thing in our minds could be that this song is a karaoke because there isn't even a guitar doing the melody and it has the structure of a vocal song (verse, chorus, solo, etc.). The song is already good in its karaoke version, so i don't wanna imagine in its full version :OOOOOOO
Surprisingly a few days ago a web site from the famous (and unknown for now) Saint Seiya online game was up. The game is currently being developed by Sega and Perfect World Entertainment. Well, the site was updated and the big detail is that the web has ,as background music, a pretty good rock song. The first thing in our minds could be that this song is a karaoke because there isn't even a guitar doing the melody and it has the structure of a vocal song (verse, chorus, solo, etc.). The song is already good in its karaoke version, so i don't wanna imagine in its full version :OOOOOOO
lunes, 18 de julio de 2011
Una bella partitura del Tenkai Hen
Esta partitura es, en cierta forma, "especial" porque resulta ser la primera contribucion recibida de un fan que es publicada por el blog!! :D Fue hecha por un fan llamado Jorge Cantoriano proveniente de Richgrove, California. Esta partitura corresponde a una breve pieza del soundtrack de la pelicula "Tenkai hen josou overture" o la pelicula de la saga del cielo como la llaman algunos. Esta pieza solo se escucha en 1 escena en la pelicula y despues nunca mas es utilizada. Nisiquiera en las ovas de Hades. Particularmente, esta es uno de los BGMs que mas me gustan de ese Soundtrack :) La partitura es sencilla y muy fiel al track. De hecho es un excelente arreglo para piano. Esperamos que este fan continue con sus colaboraciones :D
This sheet music is, in a way, "special" because is the first contribution received from a fan and published in this blog!! :D It was made by a fan called Jorge Cantoriano from Richgrove, California. This score is from a short piece from the soundtrack of the movie "Tenkai hen josou Overture" or the Heaven movie as some people call it. This piece is played only in the movie and we never ear it again. Neither in the Hades Ovas. Particularly, this is one of the BGMs that i like most :D The sheet music is simple and very faithful to the track. In fact, is an excelent arrangement for piano. We hope that this fan continues with his contribution.
This sheet music is, in a way, "special" because is the first contribution received from a fan and published in this blog!! :D It was made by a fan called Jorge Cantoriano from Richgrove, California. This score is from a short piece from the soundtrack of the movie "Tenkai hen josou Overture" or the Heaven movie as some people call it. This piece is played only in the movie and we never ear it again. Neither in the Hades Ovas. Particularly, this is one of the BGMs that i like most :D The sheet music is simple and very faithful to the track. In fact, is an excelent arrangement for piano. We hope that this fan continues with his contribution.
Partituras/Sheet Music,
viernes, 15 de julio de 2011
Hironobu Kageyama y Nobuo Yamada en la presentacion de las maquinas de Pachinko!!
Siguen las presentaciones de las maquinas de Pachinko de Saint Seiya. En este caso tenemos a las 2 leyendas vivientes juntas en 1 sola presentacion!! Nobuo Yamada (NoB) (山田 信夫) canta la mitica Pegasus Fantasy con los arreglos instrumentales hechos para el pachinko y Hironobu Kageyama ( 影山ヒロノブ) hace lo suyo tambien con Soldier Dream pero cantando la cancion completa. Porsupuesto cantaron en vivo (Nada de playback) e hicieron gala de su gran carisma aunque pareciera que fue una presentacion privada porque no se escucha a mucha gente ahi.
The presentations of the Saint Seiya's Pachinko machines continues. This time we have the 2 living legends together in 1 presentation!! Nobuo Yamada (NoB) (山田 信夫) sings the mythical Pegasus Fantasy with the instrumental arrangements made for the Pachinko and Hironobu Kageyama ( 影山ヒロノブ) does his thing with Soldier Dream but singing the whole song. Of Course, they sung live (no playback) with their personal charisma althought it looks like it was a private presentation because you can't hear many people there.
The presentations of the Saint Seiya's Pachinko machines continues. This time we have the 2 living legends together in 1 presentation!! Nobuo Yamada (NoB) (山田 信夫) sings the mythical Pegasus Fantasy with the instrumental arrangements made for the Pachinko and Hironobu Kageyama ( 影山ヒロノブ) does his thing with Soldier Dream but singing the whole song. Of Course, they sung live (no playback) with their personal charisma althought it looks like it was a private presentation because you can't hear many people there.
miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011
Nueva version de Pegasus Fantasy (del Pachinko)
Gracias a tenemos disponible el opening de Saint Seiya version Pachinko. Basicamente es un remake del primer opening de la serie con los graficos "mejorados" de los que hace lujo la maquina pachinko. El que canta no es otro que Nobuo Yamada (NoB), el cantante original de Pegasus Fantasy. Con esta ya seria la octava version de Pegasus Fantasy hecha por Nobuo Yamada :O Algunos se aventuran a decir que este opening pertenece a un inminente remake como Dragon ball Kai. El tiempo lo dira...
Thanks to we have the Saint Seiya opening Pachinko version. Basically is a remake from the first opening of the series with the "improved" graphics of the Pachinko machine. The one who sings is no other than Nobuo Yamada (NoB), the original singer of Pegasus Fantasy. With this, it would be the eight version of Pegasus Fantasy made by Nobuo Yamada :O Some says that this opening is for an inminent remake of the classic series just like Dragon Ball Kai. Time will tell...
Thanks to we have the Saint Seiya opening Pachinko version. Basically is a remake from the first opening of the series with the "improved" graphics of the Pachinko machine. The one who sings is no other than Nobuo Yamada (NoB), the original singer of Pegasus Fantasy. With this, it would be the eight version of Pegasus Fantasy made by Nobuo Yamada :O Some says that this opening is for an inminent remake of the classic series just like Dragon Ball Kai. Time will tell...
Cover del proximo disco de "El lienzo perdido"
Esta noticia tiene ya como 1 semana JA! cuando va a ser el dia en que ponga una noticia actualizada? :P esta es la imagen que se usara como Tapa del proximo disco de EL lienzo perdido alla en japon. Se puede distinguir el caracteristico trazo de Shiori Teshirogi (La dibujante y guionista del Lost Canvas) en el. Para los interesados, esta disponible la compra online por amazon AQUI (pero hay sorpresa para los que compren en japon →ver ). Para todos los demas ya sean pobres, tacaños, curiosos o simplemente adictos a las descargas, habra que esperar un poco para los mp3s, los cuales estaran disponibles para descarga en este blog apenas salgan ;)
This news has, at least, 1 week old HA! will the day arrive that i post an updated new? :P This is the image that will be used as cover for the next album of The Lost Canvas in Japan. One can distinguish the characteristic draw from Shiori Teshirogi (the writer and drawer of the Lost Canvas) on it. For the stakeholders, it's available the online purchase in Amazon HERE (but there's a surprise for those who buy it in japan →ver ). For the rest of us either poor, stingy, curious or simply download junkies, it'll be necessary to wait a bit for the mp3s which will be available for downloading in this blog as soon as it'll be released.
This news has, at least, 1 week old HA! will the day arrive that i post an updated new? :P This is the image that will be used as cover for the next album of The Lost Canvas in Japan. One can distinguish the characteristic draw from Shiori Teshirogi (the writer and drawer of the Lost Canvas) on it. For the stakeholders, it's available the online purchase in Amazon HERE (but there's a surprise for those who buy it in japan →ver ). For the rest of us either poor, stingy, curious or simply download junkies, it'll be necessary to wait a bit for the mp3s which will be available for downloading in this blog as soon as it'll be released.
domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
Acordes del ending que no fue ending (A.K.A. "My Dear")
Cada vez falta menos para tener la coleccion completa de acordes de openings y endings de Saint Seiya. De hecho, la de openings ya esta completa (y bueno, eran 3 canciones nomas XD ). Solo nos quedan un par de endings. "My Dear" es el ending de las ovas de Hades, parte Infierno. Una cancion soft con tintes nostalgico-triste que fue bien recibida por los fans, no asi su animacion en las ovas ya que, lo que se vio como ending, no fue mas que los creditos en un fondo negro con un recuadrito mostrando escenas de la Ova. Una cosa bastante lejana de lo que los fans conocen como "ending". Incluso hubiese sido valido una imagen fija de fondo pero ni eso. Esta es otra de las razones por la cual el apellido "KATSUMATA" es bien recordado por los fanaticos de Saint Seiya y no justamente para decirle gracias. Afortunadamente Masami Kurumada (que tambien le puso la letra a esta cancion) lograria producir 2 videoclips y meterlos como extras en los DVDs de las ovas de Hades infierno. Uno de ellos es de My Dear con Yumi Matsuzawa en rol protagonico. Aun sin tener nada que ver con Saint Seiya, este videoclip hubiera quedado mejor como ending pero bueno, que se le va a hacer...
Soon we'll have the complete collection of chords of openings and endings from Saint Seiya. In fact, we have all the openings (well, there were only 3 songs XD ). Just a couple of endings left. "My Dear" is the ending from the Hades Ovas, Inferno Chapter. A soft song with a slight touch of nostalgic sadness that had a good reception from the fans, but not its animation in the ovas because it was just the credits in a black screen with some scenes from the Ova in a little box. It would have been better a still image as a background but it wasn't even that. This is one of the many reasons of why the last name "KATSUMATA" is well known by the Saint Seiya fans and not exactly to give him the thanks. Fortunately, Masami Kurumada (who also made the lyrics for this song) managed to produce 2 videoclips and put them into the DVDs of the Hades Inferno Ovas as extras. One of the clips was from My Dear with Yumi Matsuzawa in the leading rol. Even when it has nothing to do with Saint Seiya, this videoclip would be a better choice as an ending but well, what can one do...
Soon we'll have the complete collection of chords of openings and endings from Saint Seiya. In fact, we have all the openings (well, there were only 3 songs XD ). Just a couple of endings left. "My Dear" is the ending from the Hades Ovas, Inferno Chapter. A soft song with a slight touch of nostalgic sadness that had a good reception from the fans, but not its animation in the ovas because it was just the credits in a black screen with some scenes from the Ova in a little box. It would have been better a still image as a background but it wasn't even that. This is one of the many reasons of why the last name "KATSUMATA" is well known by the Saint Seiya fans and not exactly to give him the thanks. Fortunately, Masami Kurumada (who also made the lyrics for this song) managed to produce 2 videoclips and put them into the DVDs of the Hades Inferno Ovas as extras. One of the clips was from My Dear with Yumi Matsuzawa in the leading rol. Even when it has nothing to do with Saint Seiya, this videoclip would be a better choice as an ending but well, what can one do...
miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011
Version piano de "inside a Dream"
Es bueno ver que las partituras de Saint Seiya siguen apareciendo por la web. El dia de hoy tenemos la partitura de una pieza muy bien conocida por los fanaticos. Pertenece al soundtrack de la peli de Eris aunque como no salio un disco de tal pelicula, fue editada como musica de fondo de la serie. En dicha pieza se destaca magnificamente la voz de Kazuko Kawashima, inconfundible e indispensable en el universo musical de Saint Seiya. Esta pieza fue usada en muchas escenas importantes como cuando Camus de acuario manda hacia las profundidades al barco donde esta la madre de Hyoga, o cuando shaka le quita los sentidos a Ikki o el Flashback de la muerte de Aldebaran de Tauro, por mencionar unas cuantas.
El transcriptor es Liz Xu Wilson, alguien que anteriormente ya tuvo un post en este blog (→ir al post). La partitura en si es "sencilla" aunque tiene un par de arreglos en el acompañamiento que pueden dar algo problemita pero nada del otro mundo. Esta partitura no es 100% fiel al tempo de la original asi que se debe tomar como una version propia del transcriptor, la cual personalmente debo decir que me gusto :D
Today we have a sheet music from a piece very well known by the fans. It belongs to the Eris movie Soundtrack but since this movie didn't have an album, the piece was edited as BGM from the series. In such piece we can notice the impressive voice of Kazuko Kawashima, an unmistakable and essential element in the Saint Seiya's musical universe. This piece was played in many important scenes like when Aquarius Camus send to the depths the ship where Hyogas' mother was "resting", or when shaka removes the the ikki's sense, or in the flashback of the Aldebaran's death.
The transcriber is Liz Xu Wilson, someone who already has a post in this blog (→Go to the post). The Sheet music is "simple" althought it has a few arrangements in the accompaniment that can bring a little trouble but is nothing special. This Score isn't 100% faithful to the original piece in the tempo so you must take it as a "transcriber's own version" which, personally, i liked :D
Sitio Oficial / Official Site
El transcriptor es Liz Xu Wilson, alguien que anteriormente ya tuvo un post en este blog (→ir al post). La partitura en si es "sencilla" aunque tiene un par de arreglos en el acompañamiento que pueden dar algo problemita pero nada del otro mundo. Esta partitura no es 100% fiel al tempo de la original asi que se debe tomar como una version propia del transcriptor, la cual personalmente debo decir que me gusto :D
Today we have a sheet music from a piece very well known by the fans. It belongs to the Eris movie Soundtrack but since this movie didn't have an album, the piece was edited as BGM from the series. In such piece we can notice the impressive voice of Kazuko Kawashima, an unmistakable and essential element in the Saint Seiya's musical universe. This piece was played in many important scenes like when Aquarius Camus send to the depths the ship where Hyogas' mother was "resting", or when shaka removes the the ikki's sense, or in the flashback of the Aldebaran's death.
The transcriber is Liz Xu Wilson, someone who already has a post in this blog (→Go to the post). The Sheet music is "simple" althought it has a few arrangements in the accompaniment that can bring a little trouble but is nothing special. This Score isn't 100% faithful to the original piece in the tempo so you must take it as a "transcriber's own version" which, personally, i liked :D
Sitio Oficial / Official Site
Partituras/Sheet Music,
viernes, 1 de julio de 2011
Posible seleccion musical del juego Saint Seiya Pachinko
Gracias a Ragen Blue Universe nos enteramos del presunto BGM o musica de fondo que tendra el juego Pachinko de Saint Seiya. Podemos ver a simple vista que el tracklist incluye musica del OST 1 al 4, es decir, musica de la saga del santuario, de la pelicula de Eris y de la pelicula de Asgard.
Thanks to Ragen Blue universe we have the supposed BGM (background music) from the Saint Seiya Pachinko game. We can see with the naked eye that the tracklist includes music from the OST 1 to 4, i.e., music from the sanctuary chapter, the Eris' movie and the Asgard Movie.
jueves, 30 de junio de 2011
Acordes Pegasus Forever....
Pegasus Forever fue la cancion utilizada como opening de las Ovas de Hades, parte Infierno y Campos Elíseos; y significo el regreso de Saint Seiya a su escencia roquera. La cancion en si es pegadiza aunque muchos fans se resistieron a sus encantos al principio. En parte porque querian a Make Up de regreso (algo que en ese momento era muy dificil). Como punto negativo podemos mencionar que esta cancion quedo un poco asociada a la era "Katsumata", es decir, al periodo en donde Saint Seiya perdio muchisima calidad tanto en animacion como en emocion por decirlo de una manera suave XD Un detalle importante es que la letra la hizo el mismisimo creador de Saint Seiya: Masami Kurumada. No seria la primera vez ya que en el disco HITS II tambien le puso letra a la cancion "We're Fearless warriors".
Pegasus Forever was the song used as opening in the Hades Ovas, chaper Inferno and Elysium; and it was the return of Saint Seiya to its rocker essence. The song itself it's catchy althought many fans resisted its charms at first. In part because they wanted the return of Make Up (Something really difficult at that moment). As a negative point, we can mention that this song stays a bit associated with the "Katsumata" era, i.e., the period where Saint Seiya lost a lot of quality not only in the animation but also in emotion (in soft words XD ). An important detail is that the lyrics were written by the Saint Seiya creator: Masami Kurumada. It wouldn't be the first time because in the HITS II album he wrote the lyrics for the song "We're Fearless warriors".
Pegasus Forever was the song used as opening in the Hades Ovas, chaper Inferno and Elysium; and it was the return of Saint Seiya to its rocker essence. The song itself it's catchy althought many fans resisted its charms at first. In part because they wanted the return of Make Up (Something really difficult at that moment). As a negative point, we can mention that this song stays a bit associated with the "Katsumata" era, i.e., the period where Saint Seiya lost a lot of quality not only in the animation but also in emotion (in soft words XD ). An important detail is that the lyrics were written by the Saint Seiya creator: Masami Kurumada. It wouldn't be the first time because in the HITS II album he wrote the lyrics for the song "We're Fearless warriors".
lunes, 27 de junio de 2011
Seiji Yokoyama recibe un reconocimiento en japon...
Bueno, esto paso hace casi 1 mes pero por si alguien no se entero...
Nuestro buen sensei, Seiji Yokoyama, ha conseguido el 10mo lugar en una premiacion de la sociedad de derechos de autores, compositores y editores (JASRAC). Estos "premios" se dan en base a las ventas de musica (regalias) fuera de japon.
Nuestro buen sensei, Seiji Yokoyama, ha conseguido el 10mo lugar en una premiacion de la sociedad de derechos de autores, compositores y editores (JASRAC). Estos "premios" se dan en base a las ventas de musica (regalias) fuera de japon.
Well, this happened almost 1 month ago but in case you didn´t know...
Our Sensei, Seiji Yokoyama, got the 10th place in an award from the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC). These awards are for the music sales (royalties) out of japan.
El Sensei Seiji Yokoyama
viernes, 24 de junio de 2011
Tabs de "Death Messenger" (el canto de la cabeza cortada)
No se como pasó. Esta pieza no me habia gustado la primera vez que la escuche, ni la segunda, ni la tercera. Y cuando la escuche en su respectiva escena en el anime tampoco me gusto. Nisiquiera en este momento puedo decir que "me gusta" pero bueno, pasa siempre: Escuchas una melodia (que hasta podes odiar) y se te queda en la cabeza como si fuera un cuchillo clavado en el craneo. No tuve otra opcion mas que hacer el tab. Ciertamente hasta senti que un poder superior me obligaba XD Ademas van 2 posts seguidos de El lienzo perdido/Lost canvas. Debe ser un embrujo...
En fin, se trata de esa pieza que suena cuando Cube realiza su tecnica sobre Aldebaran de Tauro. Aparte de ser un tab cortito, no es muy complicado. Las notas estan muy ligadas. Tengan eso en cuenta sino cuando la toquen les va a quedar no muy bien. Los que sean avanzados con la guitarra, pueden reemplazar los Slides con Hammers ;)
I don't how it happened. This piece didn't like me the first time i heard, nor the second one and nor the third one. And when i heard it in the anime scene, it didn't like me either. Not even now i can say that "i like it" but well, it always happens: You hear a melody (which you can even hate) and it stays in your head like a knife nailed in the skull. I had no choice but to make the tab. Certainly i even felt that a higher power was forcing me XD Also, there are 2 posts in a row from The Lost Canvas. It must be a spell...
Anyway, this piece is played in the scene where Cube executes his technique on Taurus Aldebaran. It's a short and a non complicated tab. The notes are very tied. Keep that in mind when you play it, if not it'll sound "not very good". The advanced guitar players can replace the slides with Hammers ;)
En fin, se trata de esa pieza que suena cuando Cube realiza su tecnica sobre Aldebaran de Tauro. Aparte de ser un tab cortito, no es muy complicado. Las notas estan muy ligadas. Tengan eso en cuenta sino cuando la toquen les va a quedar no muy bien. Los que sean avanzados con la guitarra, pueden reemplazar los Slides con Hammers ;)
I don't how it happened. This piece didn't like me the first time i heard, nor the second one and nor the third one. And when i heard it in the anime scene, it didn't like me either. Not even now i can say that "i like it" but well, it always happens: You hear a melody (which you can even hate) and it stays in your head like a knife nailed in the skull. I had no choice but to make the tab. Certainly i even felt that a higher power was forcing me XD Also, there are 2 posts in a row from The Lost Canvas. It must be a spell...
Anyway, this piece is played in the scene where Cube executes his technique on Taurus Aldebaran. It's a short and a non complicated tab. The notes are very tied. Keep that in mind when you play it, if not it'll sound "not very good". The advanced guitar players can replace the slides with Hammers ;)
martes, 21 de junio de 2011
Nuevamente "Sasha no inori" pero esta vez para piano
Hace tiempo publique los tabs y el solfeo (notas para flauta) de esta pieza ( →ir al post ). Bueno, despues de muuuuuuuucho tiempo llega la partitura para piano (si, la pereza me gano por mucho). En realidad el acompañamiento en algunas partes se complico mucho y mi espiritu perfeccionista me llevo a muchas frustraciones por lo que el proyecto se iba pateando para adelante. Basicamente esta partitura es lo mejor que pude hacer ^^ pero espero que el resultado final sea de su agrado.
Hablando un poco de este BGM, suena mucho en las escenas tranquilas (donde mayormente aparece Sasha ) pero tambien suena en una escena bastante importante de la primera temporada de The Lost Canvas/El lienzo perdido. A que no adivinan cual??! SI! una escena donde muere alguien! :P Se me esta haciendo costumbre sacar partituras de BGMs del Lost Canvas donde alguien muere (Hagan apuestas para la proxima XD). Dicha escena es la escena de la muerte de Albafica, el caballero de Piscis. Una escena mas poetica que emotiva pero, a fin de cuentas, una buena escena =)
Some time ago i published the tab and the solfa (flute notes) of this piece ( →Go to the post ). Well, after a loooooooong while the sheet music for piano is here (yes, you must blame to the laziness ). In fact, the accompaniment got complicated in some parts and my perfectionist spirit had many frustrations so the project was postponed. Basically this score is the best i can do ^^ but i hope you'll like the final outcome.
Speaking of this BGM, it's played a lot in the calm scenes (where sasha appears mostly) but it's also played in a very important scene in the first season of the Lost Canvas. Do you guess which scene is??! YES! A scene where someone dies! :P I'm taking the habit of making Sheet music from the Lost Canvas where someone dies (Make the bets for the next sheet XD). Such scene is the death of Albafica, the Pisces saint. A more poetic than emotional scene but, ultimately, a good scene =)
Hablando un poco de este BGM, suena mucho en las escenas tranquilas (donde mayormente aparece Sasha ) pero tambien suena en una escena bastante importante de la primera temporada de The Lost Canvas/El lienzo perdido. A que no adivinan cual??! SI! una escena donde muere alguien! :P Se me esta haciendo costumbre sacar partituras de BGMs del Lost Canvas donde alguien muere (Hagan apuestas para la proxima XD). Dicha escena es la escena de la muerte de Albafica, el caballero de Piscis. Una escena mas poetica que emotiva pero, a fin de cuentas, una buena escena =)
Some time ago i published the tab and the solfa (flute notes) of this piece ( →Go to the post ). Well, after a loooooooong while the sheet music for piano is here (yes, you must blame to the laziness ). In fact, the accompaniment got complicated in some parts and my perfectionist spirit had many frustrations so the project was postponed. Basically this score is the best i can do ^^ but i hope you'll like the final outcome.
Speaking of this BGM, it's played a lot in the calm scenes (where sasha appears mostly) but it's also played in a very important scene in the first season of the Lost Canvas. Do you guess which scene is??! YES! A scene where someone dies! :P I'm taking the habit of making Sheet music from the Lost Canvas where someone dies (Make the bets for the next sheet XD). Such scene is the death of Albafica, the Pisces saint. A more poetic than emotional scene but, ultimately, a good scene =)
Partituras/Sheet Music,
jueves, 16 de junio de 2011
Disco OST 3 ( La mitad de la musica que faltaba + relleno + repetidos = OST 3)
El disco OST III salio a la venta el 21 de diciembre de 1987. Para ese momento la serie se encontraba practicamente a la mitad de la saga mas importante de Saint Seiya/Los caballeros del zodiaco: Las 12 casas. Mas precisamente, en el capitulo donde Seiya, Shiryu y Shun llegan a la casa de Libra y encuentran a Hyoga en el ataud de hielo. Estrategicamente, fue el mejor momento para lanzar el disco ya que la serie estaba en su apogeo de popularidad. El manga serializado en la revista Shounen Jump, en cambio, iba ya por la parte donde Seiya se encuentra con Saga y este se revela como el caballero de Geminis.
The OST III album went on sale the december 21, 1987. By that time the series was halfway of the most important saga in Saint Seiya: The 12 Temples. More precisely, in the episode where Seiya, Shiryu and Shun came to the Libra Temple and find Hyoga inside the ice coffin. Strategically, it was the best moment to release the album because the series was in its popularity peak. The manga published in the Shounen Jump Magazine, instead, was already in the part where Seiya meets Saga and he reveals himself as the Gemini Saint.
The OST III album went on sale the december 21, 1987. By that time the series was halfway of the most important saga in Saint Seiya: The 12 Temples. More precisely, in the episode where Seiya, Shiryu and Shun came to the Libra Temple and find Hyoga inside the ice coffin. Strategically, it was the best moment to release the album because the series was in its popularity peak. The manga published in the Shounen Jump Magazine, instead, was already in the part where Seiya meets Saga and he reveals himself as the Gemini Saint.
Manga: Seiya vs Saga (en bolas) Anime: los de bronce en la casa de Libra
(Tomo 12) (Capitulo 59)
miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011
Version acustica fantastica de Pegasus Fantasy
Queria compartir con ustedes esta version acustica en guitarra de Pegasus Fantasy hecha por un fan de Saint Seiya cuyo nick era simplemente "Alan" del desaparecido foro Saint seiya zone (va, ahora esta la version 2 del foro :P ). Tanto la ejecucion como el arreglo tienen gran calidad aunque hasta el dia de hoy desconozco si la hizo con 2, 3 o 4 guitarras al mismo tiempo. Por desgracia tampoco hay tabs de este arreglo pero quien sabe, quizas Alan vea el video algun dia y nos quiera pasar las tabs XD Ahh! hagan caso omiso de los FX (efectos especiales) al final del video ^^
I wanted to share with you this acoustic version on guitar of Pegasus Fantasy made by a Saint Seiya fan who had the nick "Alan" from the extinct Saint seiya Zone forum (well, right now the forum version 2 it's online :P ). Both the performance and the arrangement have great quality but i don't know if he used 2, 3 or 4 guitars at the same time. Unfortunately there's no tab of this arrengement neither but who knows, maybe Alan'll see the video some day and will be pleased to give us the tabs XD Ahh! don't pay attention to the FX (special effects) at the end of the video ^^
I wanted to share with you this acoustic version on guitar of Pegasus Fantasy made by a Saint Seiya fan who had the nick "Alan" from the extinct Saint seiya Zone forum (well, right now the forum version 2 it's online :P ). Both the performance and the arrangement have great quality but i don't know if he used 2, 3 or 4 guitars at the same time. Unfortunately there's no tab of this arrengement neither but who knows, maybe Alan'll see the video some day and will be pleased to give us the tabs XD Ahh! don't pay attention to the FX (special effects) at the end of the video ^^
lunes, 6 de junio de 2011
Saint seiya para bailar (or whatever...)
Esto es mas una curiosidad que otra cosa. Los openings clasicos de Saint seiya en version "Para para" ( パラパラ ). Para el que no lo sepa, el "Para para" es algo asi como un baile grupal bastante popular en Japon, con coreografias predeterminadas al ritmo de la musica Eurobeat. Una suerte de evolucion de Thriller o YMCA :P Estas versiones salieron en la coleccion de discos llamada "Para Para Max CD series" y las canta Yoko Ishida (石田燿子). Seguramente notaran que las canciones parecen cortadas. Lo que pasa es que el disco entero es una especie de "enganchado" de modo que cada cancion continua a la anterior.
Les dejo los links de descarga individuales de Pegasus Fantasy y Soldier dream, y tambien de los discos enteros en caso de les hayan gustado demasiado esas versiones ^_^¿
This is more a curiosity than anything else. The classic openings from Saint Seiya in "Para para" ( パラパラ ) version. For those who do not know it, "Para para" is something like a group dance quite popular in Japan with a predetermined choreography to the rhythm of the Eurobeat music. A kind of evolution of "Thriller" or "YMCA" :P These versions were released in an album collection called "Para Para Max CD series" sung by Yoko Ishida (石田燿子). Surely you noticed that the songs sounds like they were sliced. It's because the entire album it's a sort of "megamix" so each song continues the last one.
Here you have the individual download links for Pegasus Fantasy and Soldier Dream, and also the whole albums in case you've loved too much those versions ^_^¿
Les dejo los links de descarga individuales de Pegasus Fantasy y Soldier dream, y tambien de los discos enteros en caso de les hayan gustado demasiado esas versiones ^_^¿
This is more a curiosity than anything else. The classic openings from Saint Seiya in "Para para" ( パラパラ ) version. For those who do not know it, "Para para" is something like a group dance quite popular in Japan with a predetermined choreography to the rhythm of the Eurobeat music. A kind of evolution of "Thriller" or "YMCA" :P These versions were released in an album collection called "Para Para Max CD series" sung by Yoko Ishida (石田燿子). Surely you noticed that the songs sounds like they were sliced. It's because the entire album it's a sort of "megamix" so each song continues the last one.
Here you have the individual download links for Pegasus Fantasy and Soldier Dream, and also the whole albums in case you've loved too much those versions ^_^¿
sábado, 4 de junio de 2011
Tabs del Ending de Hades santuario (kimi to onaji aozora)
Este tab resulto un poco mas facil que el de Chikyuugi aunque tambien tuvo su dificultad. Al parecer las canciones cantadas por mujeres son mas complejas vocalmente hablando :P Recordar que este tab es el de la version "Tv Size" y que la misma es diferente a la version full que viene en el single. Vocalmente no estoy seguro de que haya diferencias pero les aviso por las dudas.
This tab was a little easier than the one for Chikyuugi even when it was difficult too. Looks like the songs sung by women are very complex, vocally speaking :P Remember that this tab is from the "Tv Size" and is different than the "full version" that comes with the single. Vocally i'm not sure about diferences between them but i warn you just in case...

This tab was a little easier than the one for Chikyuugi even when it was difficult too. Looks like the songs sung by women are very complex, vocally speaking :P Remember that this tab is from the "Tv Size" and is different than the "full version" that comes with the single. Vocally i'm not sure about diferences between them but i warn you just in case...
miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011
Tabs de Chikyuugi (ufffff costó.....)
Este tab termino siendo muy dificil de hacer porque, en la cancion, Yumi Matsuzawa hace muchos efectos con su voz que es muy dificil de copiar en la guitarra (al menos, si se quiere un tab fiel). He dejado de lado varios de esos efectos para que el tab no sea exageradamente dificil (si, es mucho mas dificil XD). Incluso las notas de la melodia sin efectos me fueron dificiles de identificar por esa manipulacion sonora que logra Yumi Matsuzawa. Esta es la version que suena en el opening de las Ovas de Hades. Recordar que en el single en donde viene editada esta cancion y "kimi to onaji aozora", no hay ningun Tv Size de Chikyuugi asi que si consiguen un MP3, solo sera un extracto de las Ovas. Y en caso de que lo hayan pensado: No, este tab no es el de la version hecha por Shu Xin (pero algo me dice que tendremos noticias de dicho tab ;).
This tab became a very difficult work because, in the song, Yumi Matsuzawa do a lot of vocal effects which are very hard to transfer in the guitar (At least, if you want a faithful tab). I didn't include some of that effects so the tab won't be too difficult (yes, it's harder XD). Even the notes from the melody itself were difficult to identify because of the sound manipulation that Yumi Matsuzawa do. This version is from the Hades ovas opening. Remember that the single where this song and "kimi to onaji aozora" are edited didn't have a Chikyuugi Tv Size Track so, if you get a mp3, it'll be just an Ova extract. In case you've thought: No, this tab is not from the version made by Shu Xin (But something tells me that we'll have news of such tab ;).
This tab became a very difficult work because, in the song, Yumi Matsuzawa do a lot of vocal effects which are very hard to transfer in the guitar (At least, if you want a faithful tab). I didn't include some of that effects so the tab won't be too difficult (yes, it's harder XD). Even the notes from the melody itself were difficult to identify because of the sound manipulation that Yumi Matsuzawa do. This version is from the Hades ovas opening. Remember that the single where this song and "kimi to onaji aozora" are edited didn't have a Chikyuugi Tv Size Track so, if you get a mp3, it'll be just an Ova extract. In case you've thought: No, this tab is not from the version made by Shu Xin (But something tells me that we'll have news of such tab ;).
viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011
KIZUNA, otra partitura mas de The Lost Canvas
Finalmente, y a pedido del publico, llega otra partitura de Saint Seiya: el lienzo perdido (o "Los Guerreros del Zodiaco", nombre dado en latinoamerica). En realidad la partitura que mas piden de El lienzo perdido/The lost canvas es "hana no kusari" (cadena de flores) pero bueno, confio en que en algun momento se me va a pasar la pereza y la voy a terminar :$ Respecto a este BGM, Seguramente el nombre (KIZUNA) no les dice nada. A mi tampoco me diria nada si no fuera porque me lo se de memoria :P La escena mas memorable en donde se usa este track es en la escena de la muerte de Asmita, el caballero de Virgo. Al principio me parecio un error usar este track ya que me imaginaba una escena triste, pero luego de ver el capitulo 1 par de veces mas se me hizo un BGM acertado porque resalta la valentia y el sentido del deber de dicho caballero :)
No es una partitura muy complicada ya que el acompañamiento es basicamente tocar los acordes. Tener en cuenta que en el compas 16 el ultimo acorde adiciona una nota mas asi que atentos ;)
Finally, , Another Sheet music from Saint seiya: The Lost Canvas is out (or "The Warriors of Zodiac" as it is called in latinamerica). In fact, the most asked sheet music from The Lost canvas is "Hana no Kusari"(Chain of flowers). Well, i hope that my laziness will vanish soon so i can finish it once and for all :$ About this BGM, probably its name (KIZUNA) doesn't mean anything to you. IT wouldn't mean anything to me neither if it wasn't because i know it by heart :P The most memorable scene where this track is played, is in the Asmita's death scene. At the beggining i thought it was a mistake to use this track because i imagined a sad scene, but after seeing the chapter a couple of times it becomes a right track as it highlight the bravery and the sense of duty from this saint :)
Isn't a complex sheet music because the right hand notes are just chords basically. Remember that in the stave 16 the last chord adds 1 more note so keep it in mind ;)
No es una partitura muy complicada ya que el acompañamiento es basicamente tocar los acordes. Tener en cuenta que en el compas 16 el ultimo acorde adiciona una nota mas asi que atentos ;)
Finally, , Another Sheet music from Saint seiya: The Lost Canvas is out (or "The Warriors of Zodiac" as it is called in latinamerica). In fact, the most asked sheet music from The Lost canvas is "Hana no Kusari"(Chain of flowers). Well, i hope that my laziness will vanish soon so i can finish it once and for all :$ About this BGM, probably its name (KIZUNA) doesn't mean anything to you. IT wouldn't mean anything to me neither if it wasn't because i know it by heart :P The most memorable scene where this track is played, is in the Asmita's death scene. At the beggining i thought it was a mistake to use this track because i imagined a sad scene, but after seeing the chapter a couple of times it becomes a right track as it highlight the bravery and the sense of duty from this saint :)
Isn't a complex sheet music because the right hand notes are just chords basically. Remember that in the stave 16 the last chord adds 1 more note so keep it in mind ;)
Partituras/Sheet Music,
martes, 17 de mayo de 2011
Nuevo CD de Saint Seiya: El lienzo perdido
Gracias al foro Athena no Seinto nos enteramos de que va a salir un nuevo CD de El lienzo perdido/Lost Canvas!! Se estaba haciendo esperar un poco no? :P La noticia salio junto con el Gaiden de Albafica de Piscis. El Cd se llamaria "Character song" (canciones de personajes) y saldria a principios de Agosto del 2011. Se espera que sea un disco vocal con canciones de rock/pop dedicadas a ciertos personajes.
Thanks to the Athena no Seinto forum, we find out that a new CD from The Lost Canvas will be released!! It was taking its time, isn't it? :P the news come out with the Pisces Albafica's gaiden. The album would be called "Character Song" and will be released early August 2011. It's been expected that it will be a vocal album with Rock/pop songs dedicated to certain characters.
Thanks to the Athena no Seinto forum, we find out that a new CD from The Lost Canvas will be released!! It was taking its time, isn't it? :P the news come out with the Pisces Albafica's gaiden. The album would be called "Character Song" and will be released early August 2011. It's been expected that it will be a vocal album with Rock/pop songs dedicated to certain characters.
domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011
Acordes de Kimi to onaji aozora
Esta cancion fue usada como ending de Saint Seiya en la saga de Hades Santuario. No gozo de mucha aceptacion en comparacion con Chikyuugi. Me atreveria a decir que, de entre todos los endings de Saint Seiya, este es el mas olvidado. No es que sea mala cancion, es solo que suena como la tipica cancion pop con una melodia mas o menos alegre sin nada que la destaque del resto. A mi no me llamaba mucho la atencion este tema hasta que me dedique a encontrarle los acordes y notas. Desde entonces le tome un cariño especial y espero que a ustedes les pase lo mismo XD como sea, es una de las canciones siempre presente en las presentaciones de Yumi Matsuzawa.
This song was used as a Saint Seiya ending in the Hades ovas, Sanctuary chapter . It didn't enjoy of a lot of acceptance compared with Chikyuugi. I'll dare to say that, among all the Saint Seiya endings, this is the most forgotten one. It's not a bad song, it's just that it sounds like the typical pop song with an "ok" melody and nothing that distinguish it from the rest. This theme didn't caught my attention until i dedicated to find the notes and chords. Since then, i've become quite attached to it and i hope you people do it too XD Anyway, it's an "always present" song in the Yumi Matsuzawa's presentations.
This song was used as a Saint Seiya ending in the Hades ovas, Sanctuary chapter . It didn't enjoy of a lot of acceptance compared with Chikyuugi. I'll dare to say that, among all the Saint Seiya endings, this is the most forgotten one. It's not a bad song, it's just that it sounds like the typical pop song with an "ok" melody and nothing that distinguish it from the rest. This theme didn't caught my attention until i dedicated to find the notes and chords. Since then, i've become quite attached to it and i hope you people do it too XD Anyway, it's an "always present" song in the Yumi Matsuzawa's presentations.
lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011
Acordes de Chikyuugi (por el mundo estara....)
Siguen llegando los acordes ;) Este es el turno de Chikyuugi, cancion que fuera el opening de Saint Seiya en las Ovas de la saga de Hades santuario. Esta cancion genero controversia en su momento ya que, como opening, los fans esperaban una cancion energica y rockera. Al ser Chikyuugi una cancion "tranquila" (soft), se produjo la clasica division entre los que le gustan la cancion y los que no. "Los que no" mencionaron razones como que no era rockera, que era muy marica, querian que fuera Make Up quien hiciera la cancion (y Nobuo Yamada quien la cantara), no les parecia bien que una mujer cantara un opening de Saint Seiya (???), etc. En fin, razones subjetivas (algunas mas coherentes que otras) con las que uno puede estar de acuerdo o no. Lo cierto es que esta cancion logro que Yumi Matsuzawa se hiciera muy conocida dentro del fandom otaku occidental. Con el tiempo (casi 10 años ya), Chikyuugi se ha posicionado como una de las mejores y mas conocidas canciones de Saint seiya / Los caballeros del zodiaco.
The chords are still coming ;) This is the turn of Chikyuugi, the opening song of the Hades ovas - Chapter Sanctuary from Saint Seiya. This song was a bit controversial because, as an opening, the fans expected a vigorous rock song. Being Chikyuugi a Soft one, it generated the classical division between those who liked it and those who doesn't . Some of the reasons mentioned by "Those who doesn't" were that it wasn't a rock song, it was very sissy, they wanted Make UP doing the song (and Nobuo Yamada for the singing), they didn't think it was ok that a woman sing a Saint Seiya opening (???). Anyway, subjective reasons (Some are more coherent than others) with which one can be in agreement or not. The truth is that this song made Yumi Matsuzawa famous in the occidental otaku fandom. Over time (Almost 10 years now), Chikyuugi has positioned as one of the best and most known Saint Seiya songs.
(ok, el video no es mio :P)
The chords are still coming ;) This is the turn of Chikyuugi, the opening song of the Hades ovas - Chapter Sanctuary from Saint Seiya. This song was a bit controversial because, as an opening, the fans expected a vigorous rock song. Being Chikyuugi a Soft one, it generated the classical division between those who liked it and those who doesn't . Some of the reasons mentioned by "Those who doesn't" were that it wasn't a rock song, it was very sissy, they wanted Make UP doing the song (and Nobuo Yamada for the singing), they didn't think it was ok that a woman sing a Saint Seiya opening (???). Anyway, subjective reasons (Some are more coherent than others) with which one can be in agreement or not. The truth is that this song made Yumi Matsuzawa famous in the occidental otaku fandom. Over time (Almost 10 years now), Chikyuugi has positioned as one of the best and most known Saint Seiya songs.
(ok, el video no es mio :P)
viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011
La marcha de la paliza by atlas 

Asi es, esta es la famosa musica de fondo que suena en la pelicula de Abel (Shinku no Shounen Densetsu) cuando Atlas se fornica a los 5 caballeros de bronce frente al templo de la corona. La "gran" fama de este BGM (Musica de fondo) se debe, en primer lugar, a que suena en una escena destacada en la "mejor" (la menos peor en realidad :P ) peli de Saint Seiya. En 2do, esta el hecho de que tal BGM no se encuentra editado en ningun CD hasta el momento. Esto genero que en muchos foros se preguntara una y otra vez "¿donde puedo encontrar esta cancion?" ya que al buscar en el soundtrack de la pelicula de Abel (OST 5 ), este BGM no aparecia. Gracias a eso empezo a cobrar cierta fama entre los fans de los caballeros del zodiaco como si fuera una especie de track perdido (con el tiempo esto se volvio cierto ya que los audios originales se "perdieron" asi que no creo que vaya a ser incluido en algun disco en el futuro...). Este track solo fue usado 1 vez mas: En la Escena de la Ova 12 de Hades santuario cuando Saga, Shura y Camus se presentan ante Pandora con el supuesto cadaver de Athena.
That's right, this is the famous BGM (Background music) in the Abel's movie (Shinku no Shounen Densetsu) when Atlas fornicate the 5 bronze saints in front of the Corona temple. The fame of this BGM is, in first place, because it's played in an importan scene in the "best" (the less worst in fact :P ) Saint Seiya movie. In 2nd, there's the fact that such BGM isn't edited in any CD so far. This caused that many people ask in forums over and over "¿where can i get this song?" because they searched it in the Abel movie soundtrack (OST 5) and they didn't find it. Thanks to this, the BGM began to gain fame as if it would be some kind of missing track ( In fact, it's true because the master tapes are "missing" so it won't be in the near future i think...). This track was used just one more time: In the scene From the Ova 12 Hades Sanctuary, where Saga, Shura and Camus show up in front of Pandora with the Supposed Athena's corpse.

That's right, this is the famous BGM (Background music) in the Abel's movie (Shinku no Shounen Densetsu) when Atlas fornicate the 5 bronze saints in front of the Corona temple. The fame of this BGM is, in first place, because it's played in an importan scene in the "best" (the less worst in fact :P ) Saint Seiya movie. In 2nd, there's the fact that such BGM isn't edited in any CD so far. This caused that many people ask in forums over and over "¿where can i get this song?" because they searched it in the Abel movie soundtrack (OST 5) and they didn't find it. Thanks to this, the BGM began to gain fame as if it would be some kind of missing track ( In fact, it's true because the master tapes are "missing" so it won't be in the near future i think...). This track was used just one more time: In the scene From the Ova 12 Hades Sanctuary, where Saga, Shura and Camus show up in front of Pandora with the Supposed Athena's corpse.
Partituras/Sheet Music,
martes, 3 de mayo de 2011
Sigue Brillando Cosmos ha "Evolucionado" (y no solo visualmente
Que tal gente. Seguramente habrán notado (a no ser que sean muuy distraídos) que el blog esta 1 poquito diferente. Así como 1 niño que crece y se hace hombre, al blog le llego la hora de madurar. 8 meses y mas de 7500 visitas lo ameritan, ciertamente (a mi por lo menos me parece un buen numero jeje). Las entradas ya no van a dañar tanto la vista como antes aunque no se ilusionen tanto con el cambio, la redacción de las mismas seguirá corriendo por parte de su servidor (Mr. Cogedor Barato) así que continuaran los chistes boludos y las deficientes traducciones al ingles.
La otra gran novedad es que el blog ha tenido familia!!! Si señor, ahora esta disponible una
"MICRO-WEB" de Sigue Brillando Cosmos con varias cosas interesantes y puede ser accedida en el siguiente link arriba a la derecha:
Hello people. You've noticed for sure (unless you are veery distracted ) that the blog is a little different. Like a child who grows and become a man, it's time for the blog to madurate. 9 months and more than 7500 visits deserve it, certainly (looks like a good number to me hehe). Now the entrys/posts won't harm the eyes as before but don't get so excited with the change, the writting will still be done by your humble servant (Mr. Cogedor Barato) so the stupid jokes and the deficient english translations will continue too.
The other great new is that the blog had a child!!! yes sir, now is available a "MICRO-WEB" of Sigue Brillando Cosmos with some interesting things. You can find the link above, in the right column: Hello people. You've noticed for sure (unless you are veery distracted ) that the blog is a little different. Like a child who grows and become a man, it's time for the blog to madurate. 9 months and more than 7500 visits deserve it, certainly (looks like a good number to me hehe). Now the entrys/posts won't harm the eyes as before but don't get so excited with the change, the writting will still be done by your humble servant (Mr. Cogedor Barato) so the stupid jokes and the deficient english translations will continue too.
lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011
Al fin los tabs de Blue Forever!! (???)
Estaban desesperados porque publique estos tabs no? :P A pesar de que es una cancion "no dificil", se me complico un poco porque es medio engañosa en algunas notas. El punto a favor es que la cancion esta en un tono "facil" (por eso de los acordes y transportar las notas). En fin, excusas aparte, les comento que los tabs y acordes de los opening y endings de la serie van a seguir desfilando por el blog hasta que esten todos. Faltan pocos :D
AHHHH!!! en unos dias el blog va a sufrir un "cambio" y habran unas cuantas novedades. Esten atentos ;)
You were desperated waiting for this tabs, isn't it? :P Even when this song is a "non difficult" one, it got complicated a little because is tricky in some notes. A point in its favour is that the song is in an "easy" tone (because of the chords and to tranpose the notes). Anyway, excuses aside, I comment you that the tabs and chords of the openings and endings from the series will continue marching in the blog until we got it all. There are justo a few left :D
OHHH!! in a couple of day the blog will suffer a "change" and there will be some news . Keep in touch ;)
AHHHH!!! en unos dias el blog va a sufrir un "cambio" y habran unas cuantas novedades. Esten atentos ;)
You were desperated waiting for this tabs, isn't it? :P Even when this song is a "non difficult" one, it got complicated a little because is tricky in some notes. A point in its favour is that the song is in an "easy" tone (because of the chords and to tranpose the notes). Anyway, excuses aside, I comment you that the tabs and chords of the openings and endings from the series will continue marching in the blog until we got it all. There are justo a few left :D
OHHH!! in a couple of day the blog will suffer a "change" and there will be some news . Keep in touch ;)
lunes, 25 de abril de 2011
Saint Seiya en piano desde Argentina.....
En internet hay muchos videos de fans tocando las canciones de sus animes favoritos. De entre todos esos videos, solo unos cuantos pueden recomendarse y esperar no recibir un insulto a cambio :P Este es el caso de este fan Argentino que toca bastante bien. Le saca provecho a su teclado agregando efectos y cambiando instrumentos. Por desgracia no hay partituras de las piezas menos conocidas asi que lo unico que queda es disfrutar de los videos ;)
There're plenty of videos from fans playing their favorites anime songs. Among all those videos, there are a few that one can recomend and be sure that no one will insult you :P This is the case of this Argentinian fan who plays pretty well. He takes advantage of the keyboard adding sound efectts and changing instruments. Unfortunately there're no sheet music of the less known pieces so the only thing that we can do is enjoy the videos ;)
En su canal encontraran mas videos de el tocando temas de otros animes, videojuegos, etc. / In his channel you'll find more videos from this fan playing songs/themes from other animes, videogames, etc.
There're plenty of videos from fans playing their favorites anime songs. Among all those videos, there are a few that one can recomend and be sure that no one will insult you :P This is the case of this Argentinian fan who plays pretty well. He takes advantage of the keyboard adding sound efectts and changing instruments. Unfortunately there're no sheet music of the less known pieces so the only thing that we can do is enjoy the videos ;)
En su canal encontraran mas videos de el tocando temas de otros animes, videojuegos, etc. / In his channel you'll find more videos from this fan playing songs/themes from other animes, videogames, etc.
viernes, 22 de abril de 2011
Orfeo en la "play" 2
Mi primer acercamiento con el videojuego para playstation 2 de los caballeros del zodiaco llamado "Saint Seiya: The Hades" se dio primero con el soundtrack. Escuchar un soundtrack sin haber jugado el videojuego da una cierta objetividad sobre si gusta o no cierta musica "a la primera". En si la musica no me desagrado, pero hubo 2 temas que me gustaron desde la primera vez que los escuche: El opening y la pieza dedicada a Orfeo. Esta ultima es una bella, aunque triste, melodia que va muy acorde con el Orfeo de la saga de Hades y me inspiro a sacar la partitura :D
Tengo que aclarar que el nombre que aparece en la partitura (Adagio de Orfeo) me lo invente yo como para identificar mejor a la melodia en vez de llamarla "Orfeo's Theme" que suena bastante repetitivo ya :P (Lei por ahi que tambien le dicen "El Arpa Melancólica de Orfeo" o incluso "El requiem de Orfeo"). Asi que nada de andar diciendo que soy un mentiroso, que ese no es el verdadero nombre y demas. Advertidos quedaron.
Respecto a la partitura, esta pieza es sencilla aunque algo corta. Le baje 1 semitono a la partitura para una mas facil lectura (sino habria estado llena de sostenidos). El tab y el solfeo se hicieron en base a la partitura.
My first approach with the videogame for playstation 2 from the "knights of zodiac" called "Saint Seiya: The Hades" was first with the soundtrack. To hear a soundtrack without playing the videogame gives a certain objetivity about if it likes or not at the first try. The music itself was allright but there's 2 themes that i liked from the first time i heard: The opening and the piece dedicated to Orpheus (Orphee). That piece is a beautiful and sad melody which goes well with the Orpheus' background from the Hades Chapter and inspired me to make the Sheet music :D
I must clarify that the name in the sheet (Adagio de Orfeo = Orpheus' Adagio) was invented by me to identify much better this piece instead of calling it "Orpheus' theme", which sounds very repetitive at this point :P (some fans call it "Orpheus' Melancholy Harp" or "Orpheus' requiem"). So don't go saying that "i'm a liar" or "that's not the real name" or else. You were warned.
About the Score, this piece is simple but a little short. I made it with a half step down of tuning for an easier reading (if not, it'll be full of sharps). The tab and the solfa (notation) were based on the sheet music.
Tengo que aclarar que el nombre que aparece en la partitura (Adagio de Orfeo) me lo invente yo como para identificar mejor a la melodia en vez de llamarla "Orfeo's Theme" que suena bastante repetitivo ya :P (Lei por ahi que tambien le dicen "El Arpa Melancólica de Orfeo" o incluso "El requiem de Orfeo"). Asi que nada de andar diciendo que soy un mentiroso, que ese no es el verdadero nombre y demas. Advertidos quedaron.
Respecto a la partitura, esta pieza es sencilla aunque algo corta. Le baje 1 semitono a la partitura para una mas facil lectura (sino habria estado llena de sostenidos). El tab y el solfeo se hicieron en base a la partitura.
My first approach with the videogame for playstation 2 from the "knights of zodiac" called "Saint Seiya: The Hades" was first with the soundtrack. To hear a soundtrack without playing the videogame gives a certain objetivity about if it likes or not at the first try. The music itself was allright but there's 2 themes that i liked from the first time i heard: The opening and the piece dedicated to Orpheus (Orphee). That piece is a beautiful and sad melody which goes well with the Orpheus' background from the Hades Chapter and inspired me to make the Sheet music :D
I must clarify that the name in the sheet (Adagio de Orfeo = Orpheus' Adagio) was invented by me to identify much better this piece instead of calling it "Orpheus' theme", which sounds very repetitive at this point :P (some fans call it "Orpheus' Melancholy Harp" or "Orpheus' requiem"). So don't go saying that "i'm a liar" or "that's not the real name" or else. You were warned.
About the Score, this piece is simple but a little short. I made it with a half step down of tuning for an easier reading (if not, it'll be full of sharps). The tab and the solfa (notation) were based on the sheet music.
Partituras/Sheet Music,
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